CHAPTER 2 (cont.)

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Chances are...

You've met your new brothers, nieces, and nephew from the area by now...A family gathering is approaching soon...

Every major U.S. holiday and birthday usually has a large-scale celebration filled with balloons, psychotic laughter, and greasy foods that contribute to heart disease. Usually, family members are outed if they don't follow the celebration norms of the rest of their family members. I learned that the hard way. Ana shoved me into a wall and punched me twice in the chest over not spending time with my family members at MY OWN birthday party. But that's a story for a different time.

However, YOU are different, aren't you?

You need to go all out in order to celebrate whatever holiday or birthday it is. Buy the newest, most expensive, and best gift. Be the kindest you have ever been to the celebrated person(s) and to everyone. Do your own and the birthday person's/other people's chores without being asked. You'll get instant praise.

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