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Another note to self: JOURNAL MORE!

After all, I was at my calmest and happiest when journaling everything to you. You're like the friend I've never had and always wanted, despite not knowing much about the other person. Ahh, what a rough school year and start to the new year. After watching a video about why my morning routine is failing, I've realised that it's because I'm not consistent. I want to be productive and have 8+ sleep hours without having to sacrifice one to receive the other. I think I just have to accept how much school takes over my life (7 hours...thanks government! Smh.) and learn how to work around it. I can do it all. I will have balance!

I like to believe that everyone has a life purpose. I haven't found my purpose and that's why my daily routines are out of whack. I need to keep looking. As much as I want to get myself together tonight, I know I need more time and starting fresh on Monday would be more beneficial for me.

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