Friday 18 June 2021

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It had something to do with Ana, but I don't remember what it was.

Daily Dose of Happiness

"Laugh at work"

Honestly, I couldn't laugh during my work today...

Today was uploading Day. This week's video was my response to my hater, @cars and the buzz on maggie ftw's rant video on my channel. I had excellent responses and everyone liked those, but everyone kept attacking each other in the comments section.

I did what I had to do...

I disabled the comments section on that video.

It makes me upset and feels that I had failed as a YouTube creator because I wasn't able to foster a community. My channel's motto is "'Cory Carson' fans of all ages, united as one community," not "attacking everyone". I'll be sure to make my fans aware of my visions in a future video.

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