Thursday 20th May 2021

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Good morning!

Ahh, it feels good to be back in a routine, but not with five hours of sleep under your belt. Hopefully, I have time to make some energising tea this morning. In terms of dreams, I didn't have any.

Daily Dose of Happiness

"We turn not older with years, but newer every day." -Emily Dickinson

How I turned newer today:

(I honestly feel quite older with my five hours of sleep.) XD

I learned a valuable lesson at therapy today: Always listen and interpret everything in a task you are given. I had to do that a lot when I first moved to the UK. Not only with the new domestic policies I had to learn, but with citizens as well. Even though I'm currently receiving treatment for ADHD, the period in which I had it untreated still affects me to this day. Squirming in my seat, forgetting everything I'm told. Sure, I was able to escape my family by coming here, but the trauma and ADHD ended up accompanying me. Not all of your problems can be run away from.

YOUR TASK: Listen thoroughly to someone and interpret what they ask from you. Do that given task.

Also, it's 1 AM, I just finished my pre-calc honours homework, and I'm tired AF. I'm going to sleep. It looks like I'm going to operate on 4 hours of sleep tomorrow. I could always take a nap after school. My goals for this weekend: Study for biology test retakes, watch Toradora, and SLEEP!

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