Late night drives

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~ backstory time ~
This takes place in the late 70s like in the movie. So no phones😢 (iPhones/portable phones at least) You and Robin have been dating since middle school 7th grade to be specific. But you've been friends since 2nd grade. Now y'all are in high school. Your 15 and he's 16. Robin was a junior and you were a sophomore. You sorta an over achiever and Robin was just above average even though he never really tried. Robin already had his drivers license and a car so you usually ride with him to and from school. Okay I think that's everything 🫠 enjoy!


{ Y/Ns POV }

"Okay make sure you finish that over the weekend." I heard the teacher say as I put most of my books into my bag. Then the bell rang. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out. I was finna turn the corner til someone grabbed my waist and pulled me to them. I turn to look and, of course, it was Robin. "Hey princess.." he said as he inched closer and closer to my face, just before he kissing me. Before I could even say hey back.

I broke the kiss and looked at him. "come on let's go." I said as I grabbed his hand and walked down the hall. We have the next class together since I was doing calculus on junior level they put me in a junior class. "did you finish your calc homework?" I said looking at him. "Maybe." He shrugged his shoulders. "Come' on. It's due so todayyy."

{ Robins POV }
I let go of her hand and wrap my arm around her shoulder. "Y/n, you've gotta learn there's more to life than grades."
"Um your graduating like next year and you'll have to get a job and stuff and school will be very important."
"So I'll worry about that when I have to. Plus it's not like I'm failing or something."

I saw her roll her eyes and sigh. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the classroom. She went and sat in her seat beside Vance. I sat in my usual seat beside Finn. " hey." Finn said as I sat down. " hey " I said back while I was staring at y/n laughing with Vance. "You good? You seem distracted."
"Nah I'm good.."
"Okay open your text books to page 126." I opened my textbook and I saw y/n and Vance stop laughing and do the same.

~ time skip ~

{ third person POV }
After your last class of the day you walked down the steps to meet Robin. He was leaning up against one of the schools statues. Once he saw you he pushed off the statue and walked to you.

{ Y/Ns POV }
"Hey princess." He said as I walked closer to him. "Hey dear.." he leaned down to peck my lips before wrapping his arm my shoulder. We started walking to his car as he said "You staying at my house tonight?"
"It is Friday. So yeah."

"Good. Feels like I haven't seen you in forever." "It's been like a week not even. Plus we have a class together." "Still." I rolled my eyes as he leg go of my shoulder as we approached his car. He walked to the driver side I went to the passenger side and opened the door. "What are we doing today?" I said as I sat down. " I have some ideas." "Which are?"

" a surprise." " you can't just say things like that." He turned to look at me. "I can." I turned to him so we were face to face. "You can't." "You trust me right?" "Of course." "End of conversation." He turned and started the car. He always found a way out of everything. We drove back to his house and went inside.

{ Robins POV }
"Can you go sit down in the living room?" I asked her as i closed the door. "Why?" Why is she asking so many questions today? "Because I need to do some stuff right quick." I walked to my room leaving her in the hallway. "Okay but am I staying the night?!" "Yeah!" I heard her calling her mom and telling her she was staying the night.

She's stayed the night a bunch of time before so her mom said yes of course. I grabbed some blankets and pillows and started to carry them out to the car.

"Whatcha got that all that stuff for?" I heard y/n say as I walked past the living room. "A surprise like I said." I put the stuff in the backseat.i walked back in the house and into the living room."Okay come'on let's go."

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