One mistake pt6 THE FINALE

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Quick authors note 🤭 thanks for 30k 💁🏽‍♀️ Ilysm like Omgg 🙎🏽‍♀️ I love reading y'all's comments yall be funny as fuck 🤳🏽 anyways onto the story 🏃🏽‍♀️💨


{ Third Person POV }
You were silent for about a minute before saying.

"I made one fucking mistake. And now my life is fucking ruined.." you said sobbing.
"Your life isn't ruined forever y/n please open the door." Robin didn't hear anything for awhile. But when he finally did, he heard laughing.

"A-are you laughing?"

"Yeah, I guess I am. Cause there's no way out of this shit Robin."

"Y/n there is, and I can help you if you just open the door." You thought about it for a second.

"No, Robin. I can't..can you tell my mom I love her?"

"No no NO! Y/N DONT DO IT!" Robin said as he banged on the door and kept twisting the door knob praying with each turn you unlocked you. But you had the razor pressed up against your wrist.

You had just enough pressure on the blade that you were bleeding. It hurt but you kept pushing down til you were ready to do swift cut. Tears were rolling off your face and onto your arms.

"Y/N PLEASE! please..I-I love you! I've loved you for years..." You stopped pressing the blade against your wrist and stopped crying. "I never wanted to tell you because it was never the right time and I never wanted to lose our friendship." He pulled out his wallet and pulled out these two slips of paper. He slipped it under the door. you picked it up and looked at it. "The day you left with jack, I was going to ask you out. But seeing you so happy to go out with him, I decided against it. But now I think if I just asked you anyway, maybe I couldn't stopped everything from happening." Robin placed his head on the door and started crying.

"I feel like..I feel like this is all my fault."

You were still staring at the two slips of paper with tears in yours. But these were different. These were happy tears.  You stood up and unlocked the door.

You Hands was on the knob for a hot second before you twisted it and opened it. Robin looked up to you
(cause his head was kinda hanging down. Your still shorter 🥱) with tears rolling down his cheeks. You walked a step closer and hugged him around his neck.

He hugged back, wrapping his arms around your back. Robin finally broke down and cried into your shoulder. Once he opened his eyes, they immediately darted to the bloody razor on the floor.

He quickly pulled away from the hug and checked your arms. He looked at the wrist you cut, looked back at you and frowned.

He took you too the bathroom and tended to your wound. After he finished wrapping your wrist he looked up at you. ( you were sitting on the toilet and Robin was on one knee on the floor.)

"Please don't ever do anything like that ever again...You mean everything to me." He placed his hand on your thigh. (Not in a sexual way.) and you placed your hand on his and gave it a tight squeeze in a reassuring way. He shot you a quick smile.

"Do you want a water or something?"

You nodded your head and Robin stood up to walk out. Before he could? you stood and grabbed his wrist. He turned back to look at you and you kissed him.

"I-I love you too.."

THE END !! I woulda made it longer but this "series" is already long enough but if u want a recap of how it went after this you and Robin started dating he was slow and patient with you, which you greatly appreciated. You eventually took legal action and slowly got over everything that happened. Never forgetting but accepting it and leaving it in past. You and Robin were happy together blah blah. And the two alternate endings for jack is (1.) he went to jail/prison/juvenile whatever for how ever long u want 🤗 (2.) he went missing. And there were black balloons 🤭 I uh I mean 😨😰😥😢 I hope he gets back safe 🙏🏽 (🖕🏽) okay that's the end of this story 🙇‍♀️ I hope y'all liked it also to that one person I don't mean to romanticize suicide or rape. This is just a comforting chapt I swear 🧎🏽‍♀️ anywyas I hope y'all have a great day 💖 I love 🫵🏽 byeee

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