Summertime fun pt1

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TW⚠️ his story involves abusive parents
Before we get into the story I wanna say this one's shot is inspired by @javonsgf_ one shot i really liked, had my stomache doing backflips 🫠 again thank you @javonsgf_ for allowed me to write this story 🙇‍♀️ oki Byee <33

-backstory time 😁-
You and Robin are in high school. You both are going to be seniors. Robin was 16 (going on 17) and you were 15 (about to turn 16). it was summer and this will take place in .. 2022 soo 🙃

{ Third person POV }
"Come'onnnn it's the summer and I'm bored." You said to robin on the phone.
"If your so bored why don't you call your friends over or something." He responded out of breath. It was like 6pm.which meant he was probably out with finn.
"I would but boyfriends are better. Pleasee Robin?" He took a deep sigh.

"but I'm playing basketball with Finn right now I'll be there in like an hour."
"Okay! Bye love you!"
" I love you too." You hung up the phone and ran downstairs.
"Yes? What? Why are you shouting?"your mom turned from slicing fruit to look at you.
"Robins coming tonight."

"Okay that's fine." She went back to chopping fruit and walked over to her. You looked over her shoulder and grabbed a piece of a chopped up strawberry.

" ah y/n! Stop going into the fruit." She popped your hand. (Like in a playful mom way. Does that make sense?)
"Okay I'm sorry." You laughed before grabbing a water out the fridge and walking back upstairs. You just layed on your bed in the dark on your phone.

{ Robins POV }
"Okay finn..I gotta get going." I said I picked up my water took a sip.
"Going to spend the night at y/ns house." I wipe my face off with a towel as Finn walks over to his bag.
"Alright." I got my stuff and started walking to my house. Once I got there I unlocked there door and went inside. I saw my mom cooking dinner. I walked in the kitchen and peeked over her shoulder before kissed her cheek.

"Oh my gosh go take a shower you smell like outside." She tried shoo me out the kitchen.
"I am mamá!" She hit me (gently well not gently but like a omg this is hard to explain 😭) with a rag so I quickly left the kitchen. I went to my room and got me some clothes and went to bathroom to take a shower. Once I got out I packed my stuff into a duffel bag. I put it over my shoulder and walked downstairs. "Mamá can I go to y/ns house?"
"Yes but only after you eat."

"Okay." I took a seat at the table as she fixed my plate. Once she was done she sat it down in front of me.

{ Third person POV }
Once Robin was done eating he gave his mom a hug and kiss before leaving. He walked to your house which was about 10 minutes away. Which he never minded walking since it was little workout.once he arrived at your house he knocked on the door and your mom answered.

{ Robins POV }
"Hi Mrs.L/n." I said when she opened the door.
"Hey Robin, come on in." She moved to the side to let me in. I took like two steps forward before I heard loud footsteps coming from upstairs. And then I seen y/ns face come from the stairs.

"ROBIN!!" She shouted before jumping into my arms wrapping her arms around my neck. I stumbled back little bit before wrapping my arms around her back and putting my face in the crook of her neck.

"Oh good grief y/n let the boy get in the house." Her mom said as she closed the door.
"You just don't understand mom." Y/n lifted her head and kissed me. Before Laying her head back on my shoulder. I started to walk upstairs and as soon we got to her room I dropped her on her bed. I sat my bag down before laying down beside her. "So why'd you call me over here princess?"

I had no idea what to put as the title 😭 anyways I'm writing pt2 rn I just thought I'd post this for y'all since it was getting longgggg Okii byeee

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