One way ticket to hell pt3

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{ Third person POV }
You and Robin stopped by the (corner store?) to see if he was playing on that on stupid pinball machine.

But he wasn't there.

"That's weird.." you said looking threw threw the window. "Yeah." Robin turned around and started walking again. "where you going?" You said chasing after him. "Home. Where the fuck else?" You rolled your eyes. "We'll if your going home I guess I should to." Robin turned to look at you and you started bolting down your street.

Robin came chasing after you. He was a little ways behind you so you turned to look to him (you were running backwards.) and flipped him off. He started running faster and you turned back around. You made it to your front yard before Robin tackled you.

Him ontop of you pinning you to the ground, when your mom opened the front door. You both looked at your mom.

"Hey ms.l/n.." Robin said slowly letting go of your wrist .

"Hey mom." Robin whispered in your ear, "tap out." So you tapped his arm and he got off from ontop of you.
"What we're y'all doing?" Your mom looking confused.

"Nothing." You said slapping 5 bucks in Robin hand.
"We'll both of you come on inside. Where's Vance? Y'all are almost always together. You shrugged your shoulders walking into the house, Robin following behind. "I don't know. He didn't show up to school and he wasn't at the corner store."
"Oh..Robin does your mom know your here?" your mom closed the door.
"No.." he said. "Call her." You mom motioned to the house phone. (This takes place in the 70s this time btw) while he called him mom, you went in the kitchen and got some fruit.


You went up to your room and laid down on your bed. After awhile Robin came into your room so you sat up.
"What do you think Vance is doing?" Robin shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Should we call his mom?"

(Ik I like never do this but Um I've lost motivation in this paragraph so time skip twos days.)

"I can't believe he's missing..I mean, he's Vance." Robin said looking forward. Y'all were in the middle of class. You sitting beside him. "Yeah me too.." you replied with your head resting on your hand.

Everyone was talking about it. Missing posters with Vance's picture on it. No one really took it serious because Vance  was a kid who was always in trouble. They thought he ran away or something. His parents didn't think so and neither did you or Robin. Seemed like the police were barely trying.

"Should we go looking?" You said looking at robin.

"Are you crazy? Of course we're going looking." When you and Robin were leaving class, this boy came up to you.

"Well if it isn't the little priss.."

The boy said circling you. He wanted to be in with Vance so bad, the entirety of middle school. Vance just didn't care at all. And when you became friends with him, he decided he would just overthrow Vance. Never worked though. Vance and Robin could both beat his ass with their eyes closed. So that only left you. And since you were a girl of course he thought he could beat you.

"And who are you?" The boy stopped infront of your face. "Tch..I don't see what he sees in you." He shook his head. "What? Come'on, speak up. Say it with your chest." Robin was leaning against a wall as a crowd grew around you. "Fight me." He said.
"Fight.?. You?" You said almost laughing. "You've got jokes." You pat his shoulder. Which just made him more angry.

"Aren't you gonna help her?" Someone said to Robin. "No shes got it."

He swung at you but you easily dodged and pulled his head to hit the wall. You turned as continued to smash it against a wall til it was a big blood spot on the wall and on his head. Once you let go, he immediately fell to the ground on his back. You bent down and wiped your hand, which was covered in blood, on his shirt.


You said before walking away Robin close behind. "Good job." He said.

"Give 'em a show."

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