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Authors note: Ty sm for 2k reads 😭💓 I literally just hit 1.k thank you so much for the love and support 🙏🏽 okay onto the story 🧎🏽‍♀️

~ backstory ~
You and robin have been dating awhile and your both 16 (but he was a couple months older.) also he has some siblings. (I don't know if he has any in the movie or not but oh well)

{ Third person POV }
You were at robins house on your phone just chilling when Robin yelled "FUCK YOU." You kinda jumped thinking he was talking to you. "The fuck did I do?!"
He turned to look at you and his face immediately softened as he took his headset off. "I'm sorry princess I wasn't talking to you."

{ Y/Ns POV }
"It's fine love, I was just kidding." I said as I got up from the bed. I tried to walk past him to get something out of my bag but he pulled me into his lap.

"Well then, don't make me feel bad." He put his face in my neck and it tickled so I pushed him off and got up. He liked at me and raised his hands in confusion. "brb. I'm finna go get something to drink."

I Made my way towards the door while looking at him. "Alright." He fell back in his chair and put his headset back on.

I turned around and walked out the door and I immediately saw his little 3 yr old brother running away from his 6 yr old sister with what looked like a doll dress in her hands. Once the brother reached me he put his hands up in way asking me to pick him up.

So I did. I picked him up and held him on my hip. Once the his sister came she looked mad.
"Hey give me my brother back! We're playing tea party!"

"I don't think he wants to play." I laughed nervously.
"Ria! Leave Roman and y/n alone!" Robin shouted from his room. I looked threw the doorway and saw him looking out with one earphone raised.

I mouthed a quick 'thank you' before walking downstairs. I walked to the living room and put Roman down on his blanket, gave him a toy and turned on the tv before going the kitchen.

I got (whatever drink you want.) and Robin a bottle of water before running back upstairs and nearly tripping on the way up there.

Once I got in the room I closed the door. I took a big long sip of my drink like I haven't drank in years.
"Why are you so out of breath?"
"I just came up the stairs."
"My point still stands. Why are you so out of breath?"
"Hey, some of us can't be as fit as you okay?"
"I asked you to come to the gym with me." I extend my arm out.

"Um no thank you." I toss him his water before just laying on the floor.

{ Robins POV }
"Why are you on the floor?" I said turning my chair to look at her.
"I don't know. She said on her phone.

I let out a deep sigh and turned off my game. I took my headset off and stood up. I walked to her, before laying on top of her.
She put her phone down before hugging me and playing in my hair.

"I never want you to leave me princess.."

"Good. Cause I don't plan on going anywhere." She said.. we kinda just laid on the floor for awhile til I looked up and saw her eyes closed.

She was sleep.

I got up, and put her on my bed. I laid down beside her and hugged her from behind.


The end !! I'm sorry if this was kinda bad it's 2am and I gotta get up early tmr 😭 i have another story in mind for tmr and I'll prob write it in car 🤞🏽 also I had his siblings have r names bc me and my siblings all have k names 🤭 also if y'all were to get sick what would y'all get sick with? (Like what are y'all most prone too?) asking for a friend def not for the next chapter. Okay gn ily <33

Robin one shots Where stories live. Discover now