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A lil backstory, you and Robin were dating and have been dating for a long time. Y'all also were living together. Okay onto the story 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

{ Robins POV } (been awhile)
Oh my god..what is that sound? I kept trying to sleep but the noise just kept going. Fuck it..I try to pull my arms out from under y/n without waking her. I slowly get off the bed and put on a shirt. When I turned to look at y/n again, she was sitting up and looking dead at me.
"Where are you going?" She slightly tilted her head.

"No where, I just keep hearing a sound outside so I'm finna check it out."
"Oh okay." She later back down and got under the covers. "Be safe." She shouted from the blanket. I let out a hum before walking out. I listened around the house trying to see where the sound was coming from.

I went to the bathroom and could tell it was coming from just outside the window. I walked out the front door and walked to the side of the house. Right under the window was a bush. I could the noise clear as day now. I pulled out my phone and turned on my flashlight.

I looked inside the bush and saw a kitten. ""' I reached my to grab it and it tried to run away. "No no it's okay I promise." I eventually grabbed it and took it out of the bush careful so it didn't cut but the spiky branches. But I ended up getting a bunch of small cuts all over my arms.

I held the kitten to my chest as I walked back inside. I walked into the kitchen, got a bottle of water and a small bowl. The kitten kept making sounds and I kept trying to hush her so I didn't wake y/n up. She definitely wouldn't let me keep it.. (I would cause he's Robin but whatever y/n u do u ig 🙄)

"Shh pleasee my girlfriend is sleep.." I'm poured the water into the bowl and placed the kitten down on the counter to let it drink.

I turned around slowly and there y/n was looking at me. "Yes, Mi amor?"
"What are you doing?"

"Nothing.." I tried to hold eye contact cause if I broke it, she would know Im lying. But I looked away anyways. She sighed and started walking towards me.

{ Third person POV }
You walked closer to Robin and he immediately brought you into a tight embrace.

"what's behind you?" (BOO 👻)

"Promise me you won't be mad.."
"I won't, plus if even if I do, I can't stay mad you."

"That's not helping." You let out a chuckle and Robin let you go. "Okay.." he turned around and picked up the kitten. He turned and you looked at his hands. You looked at the kitten, up at robin, and back to the kitten, and back up to Robin.
"Robinn don't give me that know I don't like cats.." (don't come for me guys I love cats and dogs equally.)
"Please, I'll do everything I promise you won't have to lift a finger. Please mi amor..."

You bit your lip and thought about it.

"Mmm..oh my gosh fine.." a smile came across his face and he jumped a little. A smile slowly came across your face too seeing how happy he was. "See? you it love it too."
"Okay whatever we need to give it a bath first. We don't even have the right soap." You said as you scraped the top of the kittens head with your finger.

"Oh, I'll drive to the store and get it! Can you watch it while I'm gone?" (Please I'm ready to find out the gender so I can stop calling it, it😭) 
"Yeah that's fine.." he put the kitten in your hands and kissed your forehead. "I'll be right back."
He grabs the keys off the counter and walks out the front door.

fast forward, you and Robin are giving the kitten a bath.

"Um lift the tail.. it's a ... boy!" (I had to look up how to tell a girl from a boy cat. Look at me, doing research 🥹) you said after finally figuring out the gender.

Something about what you said made Robin feel something. He didn't know what so he just brushed it off.

Anyways the next day you both went to the vet to get the kitten checked out. He seemed alright no broken bones, no fleas or anything like that. Now y'all were waiting for him to get their vaccinations.

"We should name it.." Robin said breaking the silence. "Hmm you can name it.." he looked at you. "I don't know that's why I asked you." "Comeon what's the first name to come to mind?"


"It's a pretty name, What does it mean?"
"Blue in Spanish." Robin leg kept bouncing up and down.
"Hey you okay?" You placed your hand on his leg to calm his nerves.
"Yeah I'm fine.."
"We'll you seem it something about azul?"
"I am a little nervous but not because of azul."
"What is then? You know you can tell me."
"Y/n.." he grabbed your hands and looked at you.
"Your scaring me, do you like have a herpes or something." (This is your face:😟)
"What? No! I just.. oh my gosh how do I say this.."
"Just say it.-" you were interrupted when the veterinarian came back with azul.
"Okay he's all set to go home." You and Robin both stood up.
"Okay thank you!" Robin took the kitten out of her hands and you both walked out.

~at home~
You and Robin were laying bed, you laying on his chest and azul was just climbing over the top of both of you. Y'all were having a good time til you remembered about earlier.

"Robin what did you have to tell me earlier?"

"..I think.."

"Come on, say it with your chest."
He took a deep breathe before saying..

"I think I want kids.."


Props to the name azul goes to @simpclub101 💃🏽 and my second pick was def gonna be nubbins😭 probs to that name goes to @women4lifez 💁🏽‍♀️  and third was gonna be pussycock 😍 by @emosSuckgothballs AND MY hank u everyone else who commented names I loved them all sm and me being indecisive made this even harder 😭 okay goodnight and everyone who lives in my times (the time I'm posting this 2:13am) GO TO BEDDDDD okay bye love y'all !!🏃🏽‍♀️💨💋

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