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I really don't have anything say so straight into the story ig except for the fact that your 19 and robin's 20 okay bye 🧌🧌

ALSO slight nsfw 🤭

{ Y/Ns POV }
Fuck. Why am I always getting sick? This is fucking stupid. I coughed before reaching for my phone and checking my notifications.

No new texts.

I sigh before putting my phone back down. I lay back on my bed and hide under the covers. "Ughhh." I bring myself out of the blanket before trying to go to take a nap. It was around 3pm so it wouldn't really do anything since I have nothing to do today. But as soon as I was falling asleep, I heard my doorbell ring.

I was reluctant to get up since i live alone but I just got up wrapped in my blanket and walked to the door. I Looked threw the peep hole and was relieved to see it was Robin. "What are you doing here?" I said after I opened the door.

" I went to your moms house and you weren't there like you usually were, and your mom said you were sick. So I brought you something to eat." He held out the plastic bag along with a styrofoam cup that I assumed was soup or something.

"Aww thanks red." I took the food out of his hands as he rolled his eyes at the nickname (if your so invested in the nickname, he got it because he was always getting into fights and he was always covered in red Yk blood), I turned and walked to the table and set the food down while sitting down.

Robin walked in behind me before closing and locking the door and sitting down across from me.

"You okay? What do you have?" I heard Robin say as I opened the plastic bag. "Um i don't know. Probably just a cold or something." I said as I stuffed my mouth with the food.

"Is that like contagious?"

I looked back at him. "I know you barely get sick but that's common knowledge."

He shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes as he got up and walked to my room.
Once I finished eating I went to my room and saw Robin sitting on floor leaning on my bed scrolling threw Netflix. "You keep hanging around your get sick"

"I'll be fine." I flopped on my bed and reached for my phone. I started scrolling before Robin snatched my phone. "why did you take my phoneee?"

"Because I came to be with you. So your not gonna be your phone the whole time." My stomach turned at the first sentence.
"Well what do you wanna you do then?" I sat up and looked at Robin who was waiting crisscrossed leaning back onto his hands. (Please tell u understand that position 🙏🏽)
"Hey y/n."
"Yes Robin?" I said slowly cause I was getting tired.

"Do you like anybody?" 

I moved onto the floor directly in front of Robin.

"Why do you ask?" I asked leaning in.
"Because.." he leaned in closer to me as he smirked. As soon I was finna say something I turned and sneezed. Like a loud sneeze."bless you." I heard Robin say. (if u have a cute little mouse sneeze I just don't believe you exist 🙂) as soon as I turned back, Robin was literally in my face and before I could react, he kissed me. He placed his hand on my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
He quickly put his hands on my waist and lifted me onto his lap. He stood up and laid me on the bed. We were both panting and he took off his shirt. He started kissing me again and kissing down my neck. I threw my hand back at the feeling of his lips on my skin.

Then I stopped him. He looked up at me concerned.

"Im sorry did I do something?"
"No no you did great. Oh my god you did great but, I just don't want to ya'know do it while I'm literally sick."
"Oh. Okay then." He laid down beside me and pulled me close to him. 

"I love you princess, you know that?" I heard him safe into my ear.

"I mean I kinda figured.. and I love you too. But I hope you know your definitely gonna catch what I have. "

He put his arm around my lower waist under my shirt and put his face in the crook of my neck.

"I don't really care. It was totally worth it."

{ Third person POV }
Y'all both fell asleep soon after and y'all woke the next and actually talked about last night and how you both had feelings for each other (like y'all had basically a flirty friendship.) since late middle school or early highschool. And  You eventually got better. (and y'all know what happened after that. Y'all want me to write the scene?😼)

SO I CUT THIS ABIT SHORT CAUSE I HAVE AN IDEA FOR ANOTHER FANFIC AH okay I hope u liked it I might do also sick y/n or Robin and they're dating already. And they just take care of each other Yk anyways Byee ilyy 🪜

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