One mistake pt4

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{ Third person POV }
You looked up at Robin to meet his gaze. "Yes?"


"I think you should tell your mom.."you immediately let go of Robin and laid on you bed, under the covers. Robin followed and crouched beside the part and lifted the cover to see your face. "No." Robin let out a sigh. "Y/n please..You know don't I don't care if you don't tell mom little things. But this is big, and she could help. And all I want is for you to be okay.." he grabbed your hand and held it tight.

"Please y/n.."

"And if I don't, are you gonna tell her?"

"That's not my story to tell."

You were debating and biting your bottom lip until you finally said. "Okay. But only if you come with me."
"Done." You sat up and Robin moved the blanket off your head. Still not letting go of your hand. You stood up and you both walked down to your mom cleaning up the kitchen. You both had a sick expression on your face so once your mom looked at you she got a little worried. "Mom.."
"Yes?" Robin felt you grip his hand tight. "I have to tell you something.."
"Oh what is it? Are you pregnant or something?" She pointed at you and Robin holding hands as a joke.
"I don't know.." you moms smile immediately dropped. Your not suppose be having sex, so the fact you don't know implied that you did. I did just wasn't consent full.
"What do you mean you don't know?" She took a step forward, you took a step back. "Have you been having sex y/n?" You were silent for a minute before saying. "Yes.." "y/n m/n l/m ! What the hell have you been doing? Was it with Robin?!"
"NO! It wasn't with Robin!"
"Y/n tell me right now-"
"With all due respect ms.(moms last name) you need to let her finish.." Robin said cause the conversation was getting heated. Your mom took a deep breath and looked at you. Robin looked at you too and nodded, Signaling for you to continue. " yesterday when I went out to the fair, the boy I went with said he wanted to go on walk right quick. So we went for the walk and then we went down this alley that was a dead end. And when I tried to leave he.. he um raped me." You had tears running down your eyes by the time you finished. Robin looked away and bite the inside of his cheek so he didn't cry again. Your moms angry face quickly turned into a guilt face. He walked up to you and hugged you.

Y'all talked and stuff obvi but chapt will be a timeskip to Monday cause that's where the good stuff happens 👀👀 Yk Robin then u can predict this. But you won't predict anything else🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ I'm writing part 5 right now okay bye noww ilyy <33

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