Dreams pt2🍋

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Warning NSFW 🫢 ⚠️

Edit just realized I didn't specify y'all's age YALL ARE 23/24 idk why y'all would think y'all are minors if y'all own a house together 😭okay bye bye

{ Third person POV }
"What happened to privacy?"
"That went down the drain when you left a book labeled "don't touch this" on the counter." He shut the book and started walking closer to you. "Your dreams are very vivid.." he said getting closer. Then he finally made it too you and put his arms on both sides of you blocking you from getting away. (Just to be clear WE DO CONSENT 💁🏽‍♀️ okay? Don't take that wrong way 😭) "from what I've read so far.. you seem, very...submissive." He said giving you another slight smirk. "Well? Are you?"
"You'll have to find out.." you said looking from his lips to his eyes.

(Guys I don't feel like writing a sex scene rn 🫢 Ik shocking so, sorry if this is bad. I might just steal a sex scene from one of my other fanfics. The dabi ones are like..........intense. So maybe not...)

He started kissing you slowly, at first but it got progressively more and more aggressive. He picked you up and walked to his room. He laid you on the bed and took his shirt off and went back to kissing you. As he made his way down your neck you opened your and saw a mirror. Directly in front of his bed. "Why's there a fucking mirror infront of you bed?"
"You'll see." (You rn:😟)
"Fuck.." Robin stopped to unbuckle and take off his pants. Before he could get back to you, you pushed him back down. Robin propped himself up on his elbow and watched as your finger went around rim of his boxers.
"Do you consent, red?"
"Fuck yeah.." you pulled it out of his boxers and before Robin could comprehend, your lips were wrapped around his ... (IDK what to call it 😿 cock, dick, member,🤢🤮 nasty) he threw his head back in the pleasure he felt. He placed his hand on your head, pushing it up and down. Robin was getting close so he started pushing your head up and down even faster. The back of your throat started to get sore, but soon as it did, Robin came inside your mouth. (Bye bye babies.) you lifted your head up and swallowed. (Personally I'm not swallowing that shii cause I bet it taste horrible but Ik y'all are so down bad for man soo) Robin was kinda panting.
"I think I need water already." You said falling back down on your back. Robin sat up and positioned himself. He took off your pant and underwear.
"Do you consent?"
"What do you think?" He smirked before grabbed your thigh and pulled you closer. (Ik ur tired of smirking 😏 but it fits alright 😔) he started eating you out and you were gripping the sheets (omg fr this time.) each time you tried to close your legs he pulls them apart with a grip so hard, that there will definitely be bruises tomorrow. You felt that knot in your stomach begin to tighten as his tongue kept swirling inside you. "I'm close.." he started sucking on your ... (I can't I'm sorry 😞) and you finally came.right out of you and straight into his mouth. Once he was done he looked back at you.
"You taste fucking amazing."
"Thanks I guess?" He repositioned himself, so he was ready to.. well, fuck you pretty much. (Something happened to my Wi-Fi 😢 🥊👊🏽🤜🏽🤛🏽 I can't focus without Netflix 😭) "you ready?" You nodded. He rammed into you. (Fast forward a-bit cause I wanna get to the good part 🤭 but you came again and so did he. And you orgasmed cause why not 💁🏽‍♀️) once he pulled out you both were out of breath. But before you could fully catch you breath, he picked you up and positioned you to where you could see your self in the mirror (like face to face) you were on all fours ( embarrassing. couldn't be me 🧍🏽‍♀️)

"I want you to look at yourself as I fuck the shit out of you."

"So you into psycho shit-" he rammed inside of you again. He placed his hands on your waist pulling to and from his base (🏟⚾️) you eventually had to go down into a face down ass up type of position. You tried to put your head down but Robin immediately pulled your head to look at yourself in the mirror.

"Don't look away hermosa." (As you wish master 🙇‍♀️)

You looked up but soon closed your eyes.

"come on...lemme see those gorgeous eyes of yours." He said in the most gentle tone as if he wasn't blowing your back out. You opened your eyes and a clear smile came across his face. "Good girl." (I had to chuck my phone 🤳🏽📱💨) he pulled out, and laid you down on his chest.
"Your mine.alright?"
"Yeah I think I got the hint."

Safe to say there won't be any nsfw chapts for awhile 😢😢 yeah Ik Ik Ik y'all horny weasels are sad but i need only wholesome chapt for the next few days so I will be posting a few requests tmr 🤭 I'm excited for that. Mk I'll see y'all tmr 😩

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