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Sorry I haven't posted for like three days I've been lazy 💁🏽‍♀️ and my period came and I wanted a rope around my neck🪢. Btw y'all are seniors, and this is gonna be kinda long to make up for the fact that the following few chapts are going to be kinda short Anyways onto the story 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

{ Third person POV }
You were walking down the hallway when Vance saw you and pushed off the wall to start walking beside you.
"Hey there.." he said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"Hey Vance!" You said cheerily (I struggled saying that word out loud.) you and Vance kept chatting and talking down the hall, on the way to your next class. Science. Which you,Vance,Robin, and Finn all had together. When you and Vance were walking past, you saw Robin and Finn talking. Robin was kinda glaring at Vance but you didn't notice. "Hey Robin! Hey Finn! Comeon, we can all walk to class together." Robin looked hesitant but Finn pushed him to walk on the other side of you. You held his as y'all all walked down the hall. Everyone was staring cause y'all were THE kids. Vance was popular for his short temper, Robin was kinda quiet but could beat your ass before you even knew what happened. And Finn was at the top of all of his classes. And you, you were just with them. (HAHAHA no I'm jk I'm sorry y/n 😢) you couldn't see it but Robin and Vance were glaring at each other. Finn rolled his eyes and looked at you.
"Hey y/n."
"Did you do your homework? Guessing no.."
"Actually, I did do it today. So ha."
"Alright..let's see if you understood though." You exhaled knowing you barely knew the material you were learning. And then Vance broke the silence. "Y/n, been meaning to ask you did you wanna go to a party with me tonight?"
"Um sure, only if Robin and Finn can come though."
"Ugh fine."
"Okay so are y'all coming?" Robin looked hesitant but agreed. Mostly to make sure you were going to be safe. And Finn said yeah cause he had nothing better to do. Once y'all arrived to the class, you let go of robins hand and went to your seat with Vance. Robin and Finn sat down, Finn looking at the board, Robin looking at you and Vance talk and laugh.
"I don't get it." Robin said not looking away from you.
"It's simple, the speed of light-"
"Not that Finn." Robin interrupted, "why y/n likes Vance so much. What does he have that I don't?" (Absolutely nothing😍)
"Nothing, it's probably just they've known each other for way longer. We only met her freshmen year, they've been friends since elementary."
"I guess.." Robin finally turned around to look at the board. About fifteen minutes into class a note landed in-front of Robin. He opened it up and it had someone's number written on it. Robin looked around and made eye contact with this girl named Amelia. She's been hitting on Robin and Vance since the beginning of the year. Robin rolled his eyes and took out a piece of paper and wrote something down. He told someone to give it to her and once she opened it, her smile wasn't as bright. The note said "fuck off" She gaslit her self into thinking he was playing hard to get. ( I'm watching sinister 2 as background noise and this boy call his mom a cunt 😨 I would smack the shit outta you.) and he wasn't he just didn't want her. She was pretty sure but she was a well known bully. She even bullied y/n a couple times. Fast forward to after school, you finn and Robin were walking home together. Vance broke off from the group awhile back to go play that pinball machine. He plays it religiously at this point. "Since we're all going out tonight do y'all wanna come over to my house?" You said looking at Robin then to Finn. "I can't I have some stuff to do right now. But when I'm done I'll come over."
"Mk how about you red?"
"Um sure."
"This my street. Later." You gave him a quick hug before he walked down his street. You immediately grabbed robins wrist and started to walk faster. "Come'on you walk so slowww."
"You have to much energy, I had gym today. cut me some slack."

Fast forward again you and we're just chilling in your room and then Finn came and y'all were just chilling having a good time. Vance said he would come to your house when the party started so y'all were just waiting for him. You heard a aggressive knock at your front door and you already knew who it was. "I guess it's time to go." You all stood and walked downstairs. "Mom I'm going out. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Are the boys with you?"
"Yes mom their all gonna be there." Your mom trusted all three of them with your life. Literally.
"Okay. Stay safe all of you."
"We will." You all said in unison (is that how u spell it?) before you opened the door.
"Y'all ready?" Vance said. Once y'all arrived at the party, you all were immediately hit with the smell of marijuana, alcohol, and sweat.
"Where the fuck did you bring us?" You said looking at Vance. "Yeah what the fuck is this shit?"
"It's a party. I know your used to your moms book club but this is an actual party. So drink, smoke, fuck I don't care. Have fun." Vance turned on his heels and disappeared into the crowd. "We'll I-" you started before a girl came and dragged Finn away. He gave you and Robin a look which meant he wasn't gonna be back any time soon. "We'll red, let's go." You wrapped his arm around your neck and started walking into the crowd. You were having fun and Robin just looked like your bodyguard. When you were sitting on a couch, some boy came over and offered you a drink. "Uh no I'm good."
"Come onnn just one just drink.." he waved it in your face.
"Are you dead or something? She said no, dipshit." Robin said leaning on the wall.
"And who are you?" Robin pushed off the wall.
"Someone who's finna beat your ass." People slowly gathered around Robin and the other boy. You were still sitting down on the couch right in the middle of them before you stood up and placed your hand on Robin chest. "Yeah let's not turn this party into more of a crime scene than it already is. Come'on Robin." You grabbed his wrist and went to the kitchen where you found Vance chugging some sort of alcohol and everyone screaming (can you guess? No you can't 🤭) "chug, chug, chug!" Once he finished he had alcohol running down his chin and down his neck. (Lil billy Hargrove moment) "we'll aren't you having fun." Vance looked at you with robins arm around your neck. He was kinda mad but didn't show it. Vance walked closer to you and pulled you in for kiss. You were shocked and pushed him off after a few seconds. "Yeah your definitely too drunk, we'll be leaving soon." Robin removed his a from around you. "Hey ro-" he walked upstairs. You let Vance go and went after Robin. He went in a bathroom but before he could shut the door you stopped it with your hand. He opened the door and let you in. You closed the door behind you and looked at Robin, Who was looking everywhere except for at you. "You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Then why'd you come to bathroom?"
"Maybe I just had to take a piss."
"Then why do you look so mad? Are you finna take a pissed off piss?"
"What the fuck, no. And yeah, I am kinda pissed."
"Why? Is it because of that dude offering me a drink?"
"No. Wait I mean yes. Kinda.. Fuck."
"Comeon just tell me.." Robin finally looked at you.
"Fine. I am pissed off. And I'm pissed off at you, y/n." Your expression quickly changed. "Your always with fucking Vance, and I get your friends but it still makes me so fucking mad. I can never tell if you feel the same way about me or not."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I've liked you since fucking sophomore year."


"Well? Say something."

"I've liked you too, but that girl what's her name.. Amelia? She told me to back off awhile ago, and she kept flirting with you so i don't know I thought y'all were together or something."

"...your a fucking idiot."

"All that one sided flirting? I don't like her! Ya'know how I flirt? However I interact with you, is how I flirt. I don't let just anyone hold my hand. And if I was with someone everyone would know because this..." he pulled you closer to him and kissed you. "I would want everyone to know."

"So..what does this mean for us?" You said.

"I don't know. What do you want it to mean?"

"I want to be your girlfriend."

"Done." He lifted your chin and kissed you.

I have been mass producing chapts so I'm sorry if there are more grammar mistakes than usual I have to write a few requests and I wanna publish alot of chapts all at once. I haven't even ate breakfast. It's 7:30 pm Ive been up since 10am 💁🏽‍♀️ okay seen ya soon

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