One mistake pt2

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{ Third person POV }

You were laying on your bed trying to fall asleep but you felt your phone ring. (Notice how I said felt. Yeah I keep my phone on silent 24/7 🤨) you picked it up and it was Robin. You reluctantly answered the phone. "Hey y/n, How was your date?" You were silent. "Hey you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine.." he looked at you threw the screen. You were laying on your side, hand behind your head. (Like you were laying on your elbow. Omg I'm so bad at explaining things 😩) " then tell me how the date was." You let out sigh. "Why are you all in my business Robin? Huh?" " I'm just worried about you. And you not answering my question makes me even more worried. Come'on please?"
"No.let's just move on from the subject." Robin was persistent and kept asking you again and again and again. Your response was always 'no' or 'shut up' but broke.

"He raped me!"

You blurted out. Robin looked at the phone dumbfounded.

"H-he what? Tell me again y/n. Tell me your not joking."

"I'm not joking." You said with tears running down your cheeks. Robins looked like they were filled with anger but they were still so soft for you. He picked up his and jacket and left his room. "Where are you going?"

"I'm coming to your house."

"Robin it's late you should stay home."
"Like hell I would stay home." He was already outside and walking the street. Once he got to your door he rang the doorbell and your mom answered. Robin hung up the phone and put it in his pocket.
"Oh hi Robin! What are doing here?" She opened the door to let him in.
" oh I'm just here to see y/n."
" go ahead she's upstairs in her room."
"Yes ma'am." Robin ran upstairs and to your room. He knocked on the door but you didn't answer.

"Y/ the door..Come'on." He heard you get out of bed and unlock the door before opening it. He looked down at you, who was crying.

"Oh y/n.." he wrapped one of his arms around your back and the other holding your head to his chest. He walked forward closing the door behind him, you broke down again, just sobbing into his shirt. Robin just stroked your head, trying to comfort you as best he could. (Y'all were sitting on bed now just so ya know.) while he was also silently crying. He wiped his eyes and looked at you. "Okay..we, I don't..I don't know what to do."he said looking up.
"It's okay.." you said wiping your face.
"Is there anything you want me to do? Anything you need me to do?" He placed his hands on your shoulders and stared into our eyes.
"Can you just stay here..please.?."
"Y-yeah of course."  You placed herself on-top of Robin and he just laid back he was careful to not touch you too much and where to you. You laid on his chest closing your eyes. Finally feeling


This story might be like 4/5 parts long but I will release other stuff in-between so yeah im taking a lil Roblox break before the next chapt cause 😕🔫 woulda made this longer but I thought this was a cute place to end so yeah brb and don't worry the next part will be out today also might get three in day I'm feeling motivated especially off no sleep 💪🏽💪🏽

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