Party time

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Authors note: I'm writing this because I literally just got back from a concert and there were
Kms 🙂
Like I'm happy for y'all but I hope y'all break up on new years day ya'know? Also this is mostly based on this one video ☝️ you'll see, Anyways enjoys

{ Robins POV }
"Y/N! COME'ON LETS GO!" I yelled down the hall. I checked my watch nervously. "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!"
"IM COMING IM COMING! Im just putting my earring on!" I heard her say from her room. I stood up from the couch and walked down to her room. "Come'on you can put them on in the car." I watched her til she turned to look at me. God she was beautiful. "Okay fine let's go." She grabbed her bag and quickly grabbed my wrist and walked out her room. We went outside to the car and got in.  She continued to put on her earrings and I started the car. "How'd you even get these tickets anyway?" She said as looked at me wiping some excess lipgloss off the corner of her lips. "I just got them really early. Like super early." I said looking at the road.

{ Third person POV }
Y'all were going to y'all's favorite band.(you can pick) who was opening for tame impala. Y'all were planning on going just for the opening then leaving. It was an indoor setting (? I Forgot what it's called 😭) so y'all would be inside. Y'all had relatively close seats, so it was going to be a good time, y'all had a nice view it was going to be


{ Y/Ns POV }
My stomach started to hurt from me being to nervous. I hugged my knees to my chest and laid my head on the window. "You okay princess?" Robin said placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah I'm fine just nervous." I lifted my head up and robin put his hand on my cheek with his thumb gracing it slowly. "You'll be okay." He looked at me and shot me quick smile before looking back at the road. He took his hand off my face and held my hand. (He was still driving with the other. Idk if I need to make that clear or not. Also one hand driving is 😩) 

~time skip y'all arrive at the concert. Or in the parking lot.~

{ Robins POV }
"Y/n, let's go!" I tried to rush her but she was taking her time getting out the car.
"I'm just making sure I don't forget anything...okay okay I'm ready." She walked around the car and I immediately grabbed her hand and started running to get in line. "Robin! These are not running shoes!" "Well why did you wear them?!" "Cause they match my outfit! Robin! Stop!" I stopped running as she tried to fix her shoe. I let out a deep sign when I saw everyone getting out of their cars and  start walking to the line. "Oh for fucks sake.." I picked her up (bridal style 😏) and started sprinting to the line. Once we finally made it to the line I put her down. "..." y/n was just looking up at me. "what?" I said looking at her. "You should carry me more often." I chuckled before she turned around and I wrapped my arms around her neck.

~ time skip to when y'all are about to enter the concert.~

{ Y/Ns POV }
We were walking to the door after getting checked by the security. I saw a hotdog stand. "Robin can we get something to eat please?" He looked at me. "Y/n no we're gonna be late." I stopped walking and so did he. "Please?" He looked at me and sighed. "Fine.." "YAY! Okay let's go!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him in line. Once we got a hotdog cause he ended up wanting one too. We quickly ran into the building and went to our seats. We sat down ate our hotdogs for a solid 5 minutes before the lights went off. "Omg omg omg.." (that as "oh my god"Not "omg" thats cringey irl) you both stood up. "Robin! Oh my god!"

{ Robins POV }
"Y/n! Oh my god!" I said back sarcastically. He looked up at me with her eyes lit from excitement and smiled. "AHH!!" She held my hand and started jumping when she heard the music start playing.
I'm writing part two rn 🧌🧌 this just got a bit long and also I'm kinda stuck trynna transition to the scene I'm ready for 😤 also I gotta go find the video 🤭🤭 kk Byee ily❤️‍🩹

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