One mistake pt5

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{ Third Person POV }

It was now Monday morning. Robin left back to his house to change and get ready for school. He said he would meet you the gates at school. You were getting ready, physically and mentally. Cause you might see Jack again today.

You were nervous and scared but Robin was going to be with you most of the time so you were okay. For now. Last night after talking to your mom, she thought it'd be best to take legal action.

You didn't want to cause to didn't want everyone knowing you got raped. And you didn't all attention on you. Before you the house, you mom hugged you and gave you before saying you didn't have to go if you didn't want too.

You responded I'll be okay. You walked out the door and started walking to school. You put your headphones on and played some music to calm your nerves.

(The song I'm listening has me so happy and this is not the time to be happy 😭) when you arrived You immediately were met with a tight hug from Robin.

Y'all walked inside and you noticed everyone was staring at you and whispering. Once you were near your first class you saw Jack with two other boys pointing and laughing. You looked down and bite the inside of your cheek to stop from crying.

Robin dropped you off at your class and gave you a kiss on the fore head. He said he would be here before you got to walk you to your next class. Once he walked away you walked in your class and sat in your usual spot.

Again, everyone was pointing and whispering. You tried to ignore it but you really couldn't. Fast forward to the end of class and you got up to leave. You didn't see Robin outside the door so you were a little worried but you thought maybe he was just running a lil late.

Then you saw everyone running down the hallway and crowed up around something. You quickly made your way to the front and saw Robin punching on top of jack punching him in the face repeatedly.

It looked like jacks nose was broken, he had a busted lip, and a black swollen eye. Robin knuckles were bloody from jack blood and his own. But he didn't care he just kept punching and punching. "ROBIN STOP!" No one dared come between him when he's fighting.

He already had a reputation. Robin had no intention of stopping. When he didn't stop you grabbed his shirt trying to pull him but he didn't budge. "Robin please stop!" You said a little softer this time.

He slowly stopped his hand from making contact with jacks face again and got up. Robin grabbed your hand and just walked out the school building.

Turns out (💁🏽‍♀️ idk I feel like this emoji belongs here) Jack had been going saying you let him hit after like 15 minutes of talking, and calling you a slut. Robin found out and beat him ass on sight. Thats why everyone was staring.

Once you both were a safe distance away from school you stopped walking. "Robin what the hell was that?!" He looked away before looking back at you.

He cupped your cheeks with tears running down your eyes.

"He just.. he said something alright? It pissed me off." He wiped your tears and let go of your face. You both decide to go to your house. You unlocked the door with your key and walked in.

Your mom wasn't home so y'all were home alone. "Okay I'm finna go upstairs." "Alright I'm finna get something to eat." You nodded and ran upstairs. Once you sat down your desk you went on your phone. After scrolling around on (insert an app ig) you saw all the things people said and are saying about you and what with you and Jack.

Your eyes filled with tears again. You threw your phone and went to your bathroom and grabbed a razor (like one for opening packages.) went to the door and locked it before sitting down, back against the door you kept the razor hovering over your wrist with you hand trembling.

Robin came upstairs and tried to open the door. He knocked before saying
"Uh y/n you locked me out."

"I know." You said threw the tears.

"You gonna let me in?"


"Y/n, why are you crying again?"
"Cause..have you seen what they said? I'm a slut, a whore, I can't live after that. My life is ruined Robin!"

"No! Why y/n it's not! Please just open the door.!."

You were silent.

"Y/n? Y/n please open the door..y/n answer me! GOD PLEASE ANSWER ME!" Robin said crying.

tehehehehe cliffhanger again luvs 👩🏽‍💻
Sorry but I saw an opportunity and I took it 🤷🏽‍♀️ but the next chapt will done and written by tonight unless brother want to play Roblox then it's gonna be uploaded at like 3am okay bye 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

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