one way ticket to hell pt5

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authors note: first off who wants to have matching pfps with me 😢 im down for anything (nothing weird 🤨) but yeah whoever comments first ig 😍 also.......uzui could fck me in the ass, anyways ONTO THE STORY also in this story we're in 8th grade so no sexy smexy stuff except like kissing AND THATS IT

{ Robins POV }

"calling me a dumbass..your dumb as fuck." I heard her say under her breathe as we were walking down the sidewalk. I just stared at her. God i hate her so much. shes so annoying. Then why do i wanna fucking kiss her.

"why are you staring at me? is there something on my face?"

"what? no. your just really ugly." no, she really isn't. i dont know why im fucking saying this. i saw her jaw drop before i turned my head and kept looking forward. "dont take it the wrong way your just, not my type."

( Robin rn: back talk?🤨 its quiet aint no back talk

{ Y/Ns POV}

Hes so dumb for talking to stranger. especially with the missing kids. now why is he staring at me. "why are you staring at me? is there something on my face?" he looked he was just taken out of a trance. "what? no. your just really ugly."

bitch i know you did not just say that. too my face.. i couldnt keep my jaw from dropping. does he really think im ugly? i mean i know im no super model but im definitely attractive. (if i see a single comment calling yourself ugly i will slap you 🤬😘)

"dont take it the wrong way your just, not my type." i can tell he meant it in the best way possible but thats not any better.

i am really not his type.?.well..fuck him then.

{ Third person POV }

you and robin decided to meet up tomorrow to get some...things from the store. that they probably wont let minors buy but yall were gonna try anyways. (get your mind outta the gutter)anyways, the next morning before school, robin was at knocking on your door. your mom opened the door since you were still getting ready.

"oh hi ms.(moms last name)" "hi robin. i bet your here for y/n but why? you never usually come to the house before school." "yeah.. we just thought it would be better to stick together. especially with Vance (writing this while eating icecream AND listening to mitski makes me wanna cry.) going missing ya'know.." robin looked down hoping your mom would switch the subject. "oh yeah. im sorry." before your mom said anymore you ran up behind her.

"okay mom we're finna go we're gonna be late." you brushed past your mom and grabbed robins wrist walking down the porch. "okay bye! be safe you two!" "we will!" you and robin said in unison. "what were you talking to my mom about?" you said looking at robin at you let go off his wrist. "nothing really she was just talking about vance and stuff." "oh okay..come'on we gotta take this street." you yanked robin down the street. "i dont get why couldnt've just waited til after school to do this." "robin listen." you stopped walking and turned to robin cupping his face in your hands. making him blush hard.

"time is of essence here." you said shaking his head. you let go and continued walking. "yeah i understand." he rolled his eyes and jogged up to you. "what are we even gonna do after we get this stuff?" you threw your head back in annoyance. "stop asking questions."

"im convinced you just like violence." robin said directly at you. "how can you tell?" you gave him a sly grin before looking ahead of you. robin looked away before saying. "maybe even more than vance." you just shrugged your shoulders.

"WE'RE HERE!" you practically shouted outside of the hardware store "i know i can see y/n."

"lets go then." you grabbed his hand, like holding hands basically. once you were inside you noticed you were holding hands and immediately let go. even though neither of you wanted to.

"what exactly are we looking for again?" he looked at you. "weapons." " for, WHO?!" "WHOEVER KIDNAPPED VANCE DUMBASS!" "DO WE KNOW WHO THAT IS?! NO!" "ROBIN.." you took a deep breath. "shut the fuck up we dont have time for this." he let out a scoff but kept silent.

"i like this one." you said holding a long sledge hammer. "its heavy and can probably pack alot of damage." you said just before swinging. a little to close to robin for his liking "WOAH trying to kill ME?!" you smacked your lips. "dont be a big chose yours yet?" "i dont need a weapon. i can fight."

"vance could fight. and look at him now."

(robin:🧍this bitch...) " quiet." he said picking up some brass knuckles. " hey i want that hammer up there." you said pointing at a sledge hammer. "they look the same." you turn around and point at it again. "no. that one has a rubber handle. it has better grip." he let out a sigh and stood behind you reaching up to get it. but when you turned around you and him were face to face with each other. you could feel each other breathing. he had one arm up reaching for the sledge hammer so he was kinda unintentionally blocking you.

"sorry i-" robin started but you covered his mouth cause something caught your attention from behind you. "shh. the man from yesterday is a little ways behind you..shit hes coming this way.!. um fuck!" you kinda whisper shouted. "shit kiss me!" "what?!" "kiss me dammit!" robin heard you the first time wanted to make sure before he leaned in and kissed you. you both closed your eyes savoring this moment more than you both wanted to.after about 20 second you opened your eyes and watched as the man walked past. once he was at checkout you broke the kiss and tried to act like nothing happened. "i think we should follow him.." you said looking down, acting more shy than before. "are you sure?" "yeah." you both looked as the cashier scanned his items. "do you see that?!" you whisper shouted again. "no what?!" "he just bought a pack of black balloons! we have to follow him now!" robin debated it for a hot second before caving. "fine."

you both waited til the man left and hurried to buy the stuff. robin watched the van and where it drove while you bought the stuff. "okay lets go!" robin grabbed your hand and yall ran down a set of streets. "fuck which house is it.." you both looked around and saw a van parked in the driveway waiting for the garage to open. "shit! hide!" you pulled robin into this random yard and hid behind some bushes until the man got out and walked into the house. you both ran to the side of his house and looked threw the window. you saw some other man knocked out on the living room couch, and the man you were following walk into the house. he walked past the kitchen and to this door.once he opened it, he opened another door. then he walked down into the room (please forgive me if the details arent exactly right i have seen the movie in like two weeks.)

"what the fuck.." robin whispered. "we're going in." " the fuck you mean we're going in?! how?!" "break the window. lets go."


im so close to my favorite part and yall are gonna love it sm i just know it. also i just came out as bisexual to my dad so 😜 also i kinda am rushing this story cause i have soooo many more story ideas rn and i really wanna finish this. also i have math hw...AND i wanna edit a yt video for fun soooo yeah talk to yall later 😘

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