one fight

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author note: yall are in highschool, sophmores to be specifc. also i finally finished hunterxhunter and i wanna KMS omg im crying and screaming. so now im rewatching my comfort show...assassination classroom 🤗 anyways onto the story WARNING SLIGHT MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT/HARASSMENT

{ Y/Ns POV}

i wanna go home.

i thought while walking to my locker. Everyone just kept staring and scurrying away when i walked by. i guess i wasnt looking because someone bumped into me. "i-i'm sorry.." i looked down and saw what seemed like a freshman looking down at her feet. "its fine." i said before making my way around her. Jesus Christ..maybe i shoulndt have fought that kid on sunday, everyones been afraid of me all week. i swear im a nice person. i was just... pissed off that day. but he had it coming.

once i opened my locker i got my books out and when i did, i saw robin walk past talking with finn. ive had a crush on him since like 7th grade. and hes never even looked my way. i let out a sigh. he probably never will. (me with my crush 😍)

but robin stopped walking, came over. i acted like i was looking at something inside my locker.

"hey." i heard him say from behind me and i turned to look at him. "oh hi." i said nervouly while fidgeted with my books. i felt like throwing up. "i just wanted to it was really cool that you beat that Hijo de puta ass. he definitely deserved it." yeah he really did. hes been hitting on girls all year long but guess that wasnt enough cause then he started to assault them. such as sticking his hand up their skirts, and groping every girl in sight. "oh, thank you."

"hm." he let out a slight hum while tilting his head. "what? is there something on my face?" i pointed at my face anxiously but he just laughed. not in like a making fun of me laugh, like a genuine laugh.

"no its seem more shy than i thought you would be." i let out a relieved sigh. "what? you except all people who fight to act like vance?" i said jokingly. "no, your just..very..i dont know. i guess i just dont know what to expect of you." a slight smile came across his face. oh my god. my knees are week. "see you 'round.?."

"y/n." i said. "y/n..." he said before turning around and catching up to finn.




robin. robin arellano, actually just talked to me. and i didnt fuck it up! oh wow. i should fight creeps more often..

{ Robins POV }

"so, do you like her?" i heard finn say, so i looked at him. i was barely paying attention until now. "huh? what?! NO!" i quickly said before looking back in front of me. "shes just very..interesting. i kinda wanna get to know her better."

"just say you like her. your excuse is way more creepy." "finn, not like that. what i mean is.." i let out a frustrated sigh. "shes in like half of my classes, shes smart, quiet, nice to like everyone.never thought i would see her of all people beating that boys ass like that. i mean the creep is still in the hospital! plus she talked her way into only getting a TWO DAY suspension! if you think about it, she's kinda amazing."

damn..i just went on a entire rant about her. this isnt helping my case. "oh i see LOVE HER!"

"FINN!" i covered his mouth and looked back to see y/n still doing something in her locker. "Cierra la boca tonto!!" (shut the fuck up dumbass.) i practically dragged finn to our class.

he's gonna ruin me.



STOP I HAVE ART CLASS WITH MY EXS GF AHHHHH and i dont mean to be mean or anything cause like people arent ugly fr but if your gonna cheat UPGRADE HOE looking at this nigga exs and current gf he def has a type. and i wasnt in that type but i pulled bc i have personality but bitch ditching personality for titties aint it homeboy. jk i would do the same but i dont bc i have girlfriends that have big titties so whatever. im kinda pissed rn like what the fuck. was it worth it? is it bc i have a strict parent? bc ppl with strict parents are legit the best. just wait til i turn 16 im prob gonna be either 1.really outta control 2. the best kid ever bc i dont wanna be like my mom but like i wanna live my life. and she has a chokehold on me bc she wanted to go around having sex at 16 and thinks im gonna do the same like wtf. also relationships can be just romantic and non-sexual. plus i'm really uncomfortable with physical touch (BC OF UR SON) with anyone espically men/boys. except my friends. like friends can grope me i really dont care but like s/o and family members (besides like my fav cousins. which are girls) i get really uncomfy around. like i get you wanna protect me and all but taking my phone isnt gonna help im just gonna get more sneaky. she didnt have a reason to take my phone this time. she took it bc she wanted to like wtf. i having suicidal thoughts every single fucking day. and the people i usally talk to i cant talk to bc you have my phone and i cant talk to you other wise you'll take more stuff/send me away. also she barely even talks to me like, she took my phone cause i didnt text her enough but whenever i try and tell her about my day she otp with her lil bf. i blaim my parents if yall arent gonna give me attention i guess i gotta get it from somewhere else. its not like i just wanna rebel for no reason i try to be good all the fucking time. i made a and ab honor roll but its not enough its never enough. I HATE BEING THE OLDEST ESPECIALLY BEING THE OLDEST AND A GIRL

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