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{ Y/Ns POV }
I woke up with my legs hurting like hell. I turned my head to look to my left and I saw someone's back. What the fuck..I don't remember anyone staying the night. Whoever's back it was, it looked slightly muscular. My legs were kinda throbbing and groaned. Guess I didn't realize how loud I was cause the person immediately turned to look at me. Is this..Robin?

"Good morning." He smiled and brushed my cheek with his thumb.I stared at him in shock but just ignored the fact that this weird. Because I wanted to enjoy this.
"Morning. I-" I stopped mid sentence and closed me eyes cause my legs, again, were throbbing like satan took a cat tongue and licked up my legs. I opened my eyes and saw Robin smiling.

"Still in pain from last night?" He said in the most sincere tone ever.

"Yeah I guess..what happened last night?" He look shocked and confused. I mean I may have shitty memory but Um please enlighten me.
"Don't tell me you forgot last night? Me being inside you, for a a solid 2 hours straight."

Bitch you better be joking...I fucked Robin arellano and I can't fucking remember. And with the way my legs feel, I want to remember so fucking bad..

"Y/n..." I heard but it sounded far away. So I ignored it. I wanted to stay with Robin. But whoever was calling my name, kept getting closer and closer. Jesus fucking Christ leave me alone.

I smash my hand on my phone and turn off my alarm. I woke up and looked to my left and guess what? No Robin. I flopped back down on my bed before someone knocked on my door. "Come in." Robin opened the door the door with one hand while leaning on the door frame with the other.
"Morning sunshine." He said sarcastically while smirking at me. He knew I hated mornings.
"Shut the fuck upp...this is not how I wanted to wake up." I covered my face with my hands.
"What was that?" He pushed off the door frame and started to walk into my room. He sat on my bed and leaned over me.

We had a kind of a flirty friendship, which I loved. But I swear he was just leading me on at this point. (Flirty friendships>>relationships) and being roommates, the tension between us was always super high. Robin brushing behind me, us watching tv and him randomly man spreading (😩) him in general was just oh my gosh. He could fu-

"You don't look to good." He said looking at my face after pulling my hands off my face. "I'm fine."
"No your not. Coffee and melatonin is not a meal. Comeon I'll make you breakfast." He pulled me up from my bed and started to drag me from my room. I quickly grabbed my notebook on the way out to write in while I waited. He sat me down on one of the stools at the island. As he started pulling out pans and stuff, I started to write about my dream I had.
"What are you always writing in that notebook?" (If anyone asks me that I will freak out and cry cause no..especially the one about bakugou.😢) "non of your business red."

"Call me red again and I'll spit in your food."

"Do it."
"What the fuck?"

~ fast forward a few hours ~
{ Third person POV}
You were out buying some stuff for the house, and Robin was still house by himself. Once you got home you put the bags onto the island (y'all know what I'm talking about..right?) before walking to your room and changing into some more comfortable clothes. You walked into a the kitchen to get some water and on your way to your room, your eyes dart to Robin who I guess you didn't see there before. You turned to look at him and you almost spat your water out by what was in his hands. Your notebook. The notebook where you wrote every single dream. Every single one about Robin, and every single detail. He finally looked up at you with a slight smirk on his face.

"I think we should recreate this one.."

Sorry it took me so long to upload I had the idea in my head but I didn't know what to write. And by idea I meant I was like "it should be about a dream." And that's it so I had to cook the rest up. Anyways next chapt will be great if your a cat person..or a dog person..I haven't decided yet.. any ways Byee love youu <33

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