One mistake

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Had to find a sad meme cause this is a sad story 😢🖤⛓😔 also sorry if I make jokes about the touchy topics In this story I'm an sexual assault victim and a tad suicidal 😜so that how I cope lmaoo and ofc  I'm going to add my trauma on y/n it adds character and this takes place in 2022 🤭 okay onto the story 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

⚠️TW⚠️ rape/ sexual assault suicidal thoughts/actions


{ Third person POV }
You were on your way out of class when this kid named JACK (🚩🚩🚩) stopped you. "Hey um y/n.." he looked at you. "Um yeah?" "You free tonight? I was thinking maybe..we could go to the fair together?" He said with a smile at the end. He was very popular at school and was an upperclassman. And you on the other hand were shy and only a freshman. "Y-yeah sure?" "Great um I'll meet you there?" (🚩🚩🚩)
"Great!" I smile appeared on your face as you walked away. You were looking down while walking and felt a presence beside you.

"Hey y/n." It looked like they had something in his hand but since your hand was down you didn't see what it was.

You could tell by the voice it was Robin and looked up to lock eyes with him.
"Hey Robin!" "You seem happy.."
" I am!"
"Well, tell me the news." "Ya'know that boy jack?"
"He asked me out!" Robin looked visibly sad but you didn't notice.
"Oh..what are y'all doing?"
"He said we're going to fair tonight. So that'll be fun."
"Yeah, I bet it will." He slipped whatever he had in his pocket. "Oh this is my class, call you later y/n ok?" yall both stopped walking and Robin looked at you. "Be careful alright?" He said putting his hands on your shoulders.
"I will , don't worry. Stop acting like my mommm." You brushed his hands off your shoulders. He smiled before walking into his class.

You were getting ready in you room when your mom knocked on the door. And walked in.
"Where you going?"
"Oh I'm just going out for a little while.  I won't be too long."
"I said 'where' are you going?"
"Oh sorry I'm going to the fair."
"Okay..who are you going with? And is Robin going to be there?"
"A boy from my school. And no Robin isn't gonna be there. He's no my babysitter." You said kinda pissed off.
"Well he is a good kid and looks out for you.. you better be home by 10."
"Okay." (It's Friday btw.) fast forward you arrive to the fair.

"Hey jack.." he kinda jogged up to you at the entrance of the fair. "Hey um y/n right?" He said with a little chuckle (🚩🚩)  "haha yeah y/n.." you said looking down. "Hey you wanna go for a walk right quick? Ya'know to help with the nerves."

"Um sure. Why not."

Y'all began to walk the road and kinda chatted til jack saw an alleyway and without you even noticed walked you right into it. You walked to the end and looked up.

"Oh this is a dead end, gotta turn around." You turn your body and meet jacks eyes Whos demeanor completely changed. "Are you okay?" He walked closer to you and you backed up til your back hit the wall. He leaned in to kiss you but you dodged it.
"Sorry..I'm not into that." You try and laugh it off, but it seemed jack just got more angry. "Hey can we get back to the fair- " before you could finish He  grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head as his hand pulled your pants down.

-times skip again cause no.-

Once he finished he got up off the ground and zipped his pant up. He looked down at, crying on the floor. "If you try and tell anyone, they won't believe you. And besides, you wanted this anyways." He turned and walked away. Once you saw him turn the corner of the alley you sat up, trembling. You looked for your underwear but you couldn't find them so you just put your pants back on.(howd they get off over ur shoes 🤷🏽‍♀️ don't ask me.) you stood up and tried to walk. But your knees were weak. You felt something dripping down your leg but you just ignored it. Once you got home, you ran upstairs. You went into your bathroom and started running you a bath. Once it was finished you took off your clothes and say stained blood on your leg. Another tear ran down your face as you looked up at the ceiling trying not to cry again. You got into the bath and just sat in silence with your head poking out of the tub.
Part 2 coming tmr Ik y'all waiting for Robin but he's coming soon I promise 🙏🏽 I'm just rewatching stranger things and also I REFUSE to go over a thousand words per chapt

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