One way ticket to hell pt4

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{ Third person POV }
"What are we doing here?" Robin looked at you. "To look for clues idiot." You smacked the back of his head. (If u watch ncis u know what I mean.)

Y'all were on the street where they found Vance's necklace. They assumed this is where he went missing. So that where you decided to start looking first.
You and Robin went separate ways and looked around. After a few minutes Robin called you over.

"What?" "Look." "Look, where?!" He grabbed your head and pushed it down. "Down, Cabrona." (Dumbass)
"Oh! And get your fucking hands off me." You pushed his hand of your head while staring down at the object on the ground.
"What do you think it is." You said bending down.
"The hell. Like I would know, DONT FUCKING TOUCH IT!" Robin kicked your hand before it made contact. "OW! Fucking Christ.." you said sucking on your finger that was throbbing. "And I wasn't gonna touch it.." you said looking annoyed.
"Sure.anyways..looks like a ballon."
"Never seen a black one." You stood up. "Me too..okay let go look around some more."

You and Robin went separate ways. You were on different street, Robin was at the end and you were just around the corner.

You were looking around when a black van rode past you. When it turned the corner you got a bad feeling and started walking towards Robin as soon as the van was infront of you. Once it turned the corner you started bolting. By the time Robin was in sight, the van was at a stop and a man was there. It looked like the woman was talking to Robin, and Robin seemed calm but still you wanted to be there. Once you made it to Robin the man looked visibly upset.
"Robin..what are you doing?"
"Nothing, this man said he wanted to show me a magic trick."
"Oh well I got something.." you gave him a face that signaled "oh nah we gots to go."
"Alright." Robin looked confused but started walking away with you.

You could feel the man watching as your and Robin walked away. Once you were a good distance away, you elbowed Robin is the stomach.
"What was that for?!" He said holding his stomach.

"Our friend is missing. We're literally out here looking for clues, and you think it's a good idea to go see a magic trick from a stranger. FROM A MAN WITH A BLACK VAN?! BE OH SO FUCKING FOR REAL."

Robin just looked away knowing you were correct. "If Vance was here you know he would bully the fuck outta you for that."

"Shut uppp I get the point.."
Sorry this was short I really only wrote this cause I wanted to diss Robin about going to the van 😹 also Not related at all but I'm watching the anime erased and I wanna cry, throw up, punch a wall, everything I love it sm already. That mom is a milf. Guess I have a thing for dead ppl 😿 anyways might loves 😻😻

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