Children are alright

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{ Third person POV }
You and Robin were both sleep in bed. You laying on chest. Until you both felt something jumping on the bed.

"Ria, stop jumping on the bed.." Robin said half awake. "But it's time to get up!" She started jumping even harder.
"Ria. Stop your gonna wake your mom up."
"Too late." You said retracting your arm from around Robin. You sat up and looked around. "Where's your brother."
"He's right there." She pointed to the floor. You looked down and saw Reyes sitting on the floor.

(I'm listening to queen rn and all I can think abt is "mama..just killed a man 😢 put a gun against his head 🙈pulled my trigger now he's dead 💀")

You pulled him up and put him on your lap. Y'all just stared at each other for a hot minute until he leaned forward and laid on your chest. Meanwhile Ria was trying to beat Robin awake by slapping him. "Riaaa." Robin stopped her hands and placed them on his face. "Stop hitting me."
"I just want you to get up."

"I've been up.." Robin sat up making sure to hold Ria to make sure she didn't fall. "Come'on daddy! We're hungry!" (Chill. Don't even think about it.)
"Fine, but can I brush my teeth first?" Ria quickly nodded. You and Robin got up and went to the bathroom. Both with one kid on the hip.

Reyes was 1 year old. And Ria was 3. (People who are like "yeah he's 36 months." Stfu respectfully ) you and Robin started to brush your teeth. Halfway threw Robin looked at Ria.
"Did you brush your teeth?" She shook her head. "Lemme see." She forced a giant smile. Robin nodded in approval before spitting in the sink.

When you went into the kitchen and Robin started making breakfast.

(In the span of writing this chapt, cause this has been sitting in my drafts for days now..I've got a gf 😜 I'm done with my straight era. that's all bye 🤗🤗)

You put Reyes in his little seat and Ria sat at the table on her tablet. "What do you want, pancakes or waffles?" Robin pulled a pan out the cabinet. "Um-"

"WAFFLES!" Ria shouted from the table.
"Waffles it is I guess."
Once Robin finished cooking he placed you and Rias plates in-front of you.
"Thank youu."
"Thanks daddy!" Ria shouted just before stuffing her face. Robin sat down directly infront of you, and watched as you fed Reyes. (His baby food 🤨 not Breastfeeding. u horny weasel) admiring you every second.

"Why are you staring at me?" You wiping Reyes mouth. "Because."
"Alright.." "why aren't you eating?" He said taking Ria tablet and whispering 'no tablet during breakfast.'
"Because I gotta feed Reyes first."
"Well, let me feed him. I want you to eat."
"No, you have to leave soon to take Ria to daycare. So you should eat."
"...shut up." (He wanted to say bitch so bad I just know it) He stood up and took the baby food out of your hands. "Robin, stop." "No, eat and when your done you can feed him again Mi amor." He smiled before starting to feed Reyes. You finished eating, rather quickly. "Okay I'm done."
"See it wasn't that hard." He handed you the baby food and sat back down in his seat and continued eating.

"Mommy can I wear this today?! Please please please!!" She said jumping up and down. "Why do you always wanna wear a bandanna?" "Because! Daddy use to wear them when he was littler!" (Please understand that I'm trying to talk like a 3 yro 😭) "fine.." you tied the bandanna around her head. You gasped. "Ria, you look just like daddy baby." Her eyes lit up and ran to go show Robin. "LOOK, LOOK DADDY LOOK MOMMY LET ME WEAR IT!"
"Aw you look so cute Ria." he picked her up while holding Reyes in the other hand. Just see this made you wanna cry. They were all so cute.

"Okay I'm finna take Ria." You walked over and took Reyes out his hands. "Okay. See ya in a bit." You turned to walk away but Robin pulled you back for a long, steamy kiss.

"Ewwww. Stopppp" (stfu Ria let me have my moment 🤩) Ria said.

"See ya in a little bit okay?"
He kissed your forehead before grabbing the keys and walking out the front door.

Tbh idk what this chapter was.. I was dreaming and that bathroom scene was in it and I was like "that's would make a good chapt." And that's literally it 😭 also I start school next Monday 💔💔 gonna cry but atleast I get to wear my new shoes 😔 anyways I'll see y'all next chapt byeee😘😘

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