Pool day

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Didn't have enough time to look for a anime photo so I just chose my most recent so sorry about that's okay byeee

Backstory: you and Robin are both in highschool (seniors to be exact) and you both had sibling that had a crush on each other. You had a little brother and Robin had a little sister. And they're both in middle school (8th grade) you and Robin also had a slight crush on each other. y'all live in the same neighborhood and there's pool. Okay onto the story 👩🏽‍🦽💨

{ Y/Ns POV }
"Why do I have to take you? Aren't you old enough to go by yourself?" I said in a irratated tone. "Yeah I asked to go bus myself, but mom said you have to take me to the pool." I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes. Wait... "is...Robin going to be there?" I said with my arms crossed.

"I don't know probably. Ria's mom is kinda strict." He walked away on his phone.

Shit.shit shit shit shit! Now I have to get ready. I opened my swimsuits drawer and started going threw them all. "Blue,red,pink,purple,orange, white ew not white. Hmmm (insert whatever color u want) is never a wrong choice.." I hurried and threw it on before (I don't what y'all do before going to the pool😭) and went back downstairs. "B/n? You ready?" "I've been ready. Let's go."

{ Third person POV }
You and your brother walked down to the pool and got a seat. You saved Ria and robin a seat before spreading out on the chair. Your brother quickly jumped in the pool and before you knew it you fell asleep. When you opened your eyes again Robin was sitting beside you. One leg propped up with one hand behind his head with eyes closed. Shirtless by the way.

You quickly turned your head cause a smile came on your a bit too quick. You made eye contact with your brother and he,without hesitation, made a heart around you and Robin and did a kissy face (I hope y'all understand about the kissy face 😭) you rolled your Eyes and turned onto your back.

"Oh, so your not knocked out cold?" Robin said slightly turning his head to look at you. Checking you out in the process. "I mean, I was but not anymore." You sat up. "Are you getting in?"

"Mm probably not."

"It's not good for my hair." You let out a sigh before taking off your cover up. Robin kinda let his eyes linger all over your body.

"Is that drool I see?" You said jokingly before cracking a smile and jumping in the pool.

"Shit! This is cold why did I jump in?! This is what I get for trying to be cute.." you thought while still under water before coming back up and moving your hair out of your face.

"Come'on Robin. Get in." You walked closer to the edge of the pool and looked up at Robin. He let out a sigh before tying his hair up in a bun and sat down on the edge letting his feet dangle in the water.

"I said in." He started to get in and you started to back away. You saw his face kinda twitch at the coldness but he continued to get in, following you. "You don't me to get in and now your running away." Robin said coming closer to you. "I'm not running."

"Hey y/n, you and Robin wanna play chicken fight against me and Ria?" 

"Um idk b/n-" you started but Robin interrupted. "Come'on y/n you drag me in the pool we miswell  do something."
"...ugh fine." You and Ria sat on the edge of the pool and your brother and Robin let you both on their shoulders. Robin fully stood up and you started shaking a little bit. "Oh fuck!" You instinctively grabbed robins face. "Oh I'm sorry!"
"It's fine y/n." He said with a chuckle before moving his hands from ankles to your thighs. "Is that better for you?" You let a small "mhm" while nodding your head. You were blushing so hard and you were trying to make sure he couldn't tell but your pretty sure he did cause he was looking directly up at you. He let a smile before making eye contact with your brother. "Ready b/n?"

"Hell yeah."
"No hard feelings when we sure right sis?" Robin said looking at Ria
"Yeah right." She said with a scoff.

"Okay...one, two, three...GO!"

You and Ria connected hands while the boys on the bottom were pushing forward to knock the other over. You both tumbled for awhile until Ria lost her balance and fell backwards. Unfortunately pulling you down with her. "OH FU-" you couldn't finish before you were submerged in water.

Since you had your mouth open your mouth got full with water and started choking.  Coughing under water. Damn. Robin quickly pulled you up and patted you on the back to help you get the water out of you throat. "You okay?" Robin said moving hair out of your face. "Yeah I'm fine." "Good, cause I can't kiss you if you drowned."
Your heart dropped at his words. "I-I'm sorry what?" You turned to look at Robin and he immediately lifted your chin to kiss him. And when you kissed back he wrapped his around your lower  back and pulled you closer.

"Get a room!" You heard your brother say but when you opened your eyes Ria pulled him and kissed him quickly on the lips.

"That's not appropriate for a public pool!" Some random lady shouted.

Robin broke the kiss and turned to the lady. "I don't give two fucks ma'am."

Okay I'm sorry I haven't been uploading I recently had to switch schools and I've had hardcore writers block. I have like 3ish drafts I just haven't finished them. Also I got very bad news today. My friend committed suicide and I've been kinda depressed all day and idk my minds has been all over the place. So yeah im sorry I'll try to be more consistent ❤️

Robin one shots Where stories live. Discover now