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Very important info: this is my official announcement that I am officially switching from stranger things pics to anime 🧍🏽‍♀️ I'm just distancing myself from stranger things rn😪 I changed my phone theme's deathnote now. Anyways that's it onto the story 💋💋

Backstory: you and Robin kinda live together. Y'all are mm let's go with, 22/23. He has his own place, but spends the night at your house all the time. Also y'all have been dating since sophomore year but known each other since middle school. Kk bye

{ Third person POV }
You heard a knock at your front and quickly ran to open the door.
"ROBIN!" You jumped into his arms before Kinda waddling in and closing the door behind him. "I was just here this morning Mi amor." He said with a slight laugh.

He put his bag on the counter and wrapped his arms around and hugged you really tight with his head in the crook of your neck. "I know but I still missed you." He gave you a kiss on the cheek and let you down.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Your eyes lit up and you dragged Robin to your room. "OKAY SO I got us matching pajama pants. (Spongebob ofc) AND I just restocked my skincare stuff!" It was already late. Like 10pm.
Robin already knew what you were gonna do. You examined his face and pinched it. "Yeah..your skin is kinda dry." Robin rolled his eyes. "Okay go change."

Robin put on the pants and a white wife beater. You had on the same pants but you had on a white crop top/shirt. (Whatever floats your boat .)

"Okay I'm ready."  Robin said looking at you try to pull the shirt over your head.
"K gimme one sec."

You finally got the shirt down and let out a deep breathe. "You have a big fucking head." Robin said so calmly. You turned your head ever so slowly to look at Robin.

"Eres una maldita perra, ¿lo sabías? los celos son enfermedad. mejorar." (you're such a fucking bitch you know that? jealosuly is disease. get better. ) You said pointing directly at Robin.
He rolled his eyes. "I regret teaching you Spanish." You shrugged your shoulders and walked over to him.

"Sit right here I'll be back." You lead him on the floor right in-front of your full length mirror before running in the bathroom. You came out with a bunch of products and Robin let out a low groan. "Hush it up." You in front of him and placed everything in a neat line from biggest to smallest. ( don't come for me for the order I put the skincare in 😪 I splash my face with cold water and call it a day.)

You put a headband on his head and pushed his hair back. "Couldn't you have done this with a bandanna?"
"Your 23. Let the phase go."
"You be quiet how bout that." You smacked your lips before leaning forward and rubbing a cold liquid on his face.

"Go rinse it off." He stood up and walked into the bathroom. You heard him turn on the water soon followed by screams of pain. "ITS IN MY EYES IT BURNS! Y/N HELP IT BURNSS!!" You quickly went into the bathroom. "Robin are you okay?!"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM OKAY?!" He said turning towards you with his tightly closed with soapy bubbles and tears streaming down his face. "Okay okay I'm sorry!" You ran over and grabbed a towel and whipped his face dry. "Okay try and open your eyes.." his eyes kinda fluttered open.


"OKAY OKAY IM SORRY WAIT LEMME JUST." You forced his head under the sink and started rinsing his eyes. "Y/N I CANT BREATHE!"
"IF YOU CAN TALK YOU CAN BREATHE! FIVE MORE SECONDS!" Robins eyes kept fluttering, spitting out water, and trying to hold his nose. You pulled him from under the water and wiped his face again. "Okay try and open your eyes." He blinked really fast with his mouth open. Once he finally left his eyes open, he looked around like he was reborn. Then he finally looked at you.

"You not putting nothing else on my face. Til the day I die."

"Not my fault your the one who doesn't know how to rinse your face off. Plus we're still doing a face mask."
"No. You wanna hear it in Spanish? No."
"Comeon don't be a big baby."
"Consent is key and I do not give consent." You grabbed his wrist and pulled him out the bathroom and pushed him on the bed. "I give consent to this. But keep the face products awayyy."
You picked up two packs of face mask. Robin was laying on his back so you just sat on-top of him. (Like on his lower stomach. ya'know kinda on top of his di-)

"Oo whatcha you trynna get into." Robin said right as you started to open the face mask. "Nonononono! Y/n I love you with my entire being but no your not putting that on my face."
"It's not gonna get in your eyes i promise! Please Robin!" You put your head down, put your hands together and started begging. While simultaneously squeezing your thighs around him. "Stoppp your trying to seduce meee!" He shut his eyes and looked away. You took the mask out the little packet and slammed it on his face.
"See! Not that bad." You said pushing off Robin and sitting up.
"Oo my face is feeling a little tingly." He pat his face. You put yours on and laid back onto your pillow. (Also your tv was on. Cause my tvs always on, bc sitting in silence is weird.) you both sat in silence for a hot minute before Robin sat up and looked at you.

"It's something cause your staring at me." He just continued to look at you before taking off his face mask.
"Hey-" you were interrupted by him taking off your mask too.
"Can I kiss you?"
"You know you don't have to ask."
"Well I wanted to ask anyway." He said before leaning in to kiss you. But he immediately stopped.

"Your so wet."

"How would you know that- OoO you meant my face..and so are you." You both wiped each others face.
"Yeah of course I meant your face. What did you think I meant?"
You were silent. Then Robin gasped loudly.

"You horny little weasel."
"Shut uppp."

I honestly could do a part two to this. This is the kinda relationship I want. chaotic yet romantic. also I start school tmr so if uploading starts slowing down that's why. I'm either stressed, bored, busy, sleep, unmotivated or a combination of them. Anyways goodluck if u also start school tmr. Okay byeee <33

Robin one shots Where stories live. Discover now