One bed

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Backstory: your freshman is COLLEGE and this your first semester so basically your just now moving into dorms and getting your classes and stuff. So it's about two weeks before the smelter starts and your moving in just to get the feel of the campus Yk? Okay onto the story 🏃🏽‍♀️💨 (ps sorry for not uploading I've had writers block and school is a pain in the ass 🤭)

{ Y/Ns POV }
umm...second floor, room 207? Okay. I made my way up the stairs carrying two duffels bags and a backpack. I made it to the room and opened the door to see a big open space room with one bed and a bathroom. I let out a sigh and dropped my bags on the floor. I had to beg my dad to pay extra for my own dorm. I just don't think I could handle have a roommate. I need my space. Lots of space..

Fast forward a couple days

{ Third person POV }

You were decorating your room adding posters. You were standing on a chair...ontop of a couch (some shit I would do.) when someone opened your door. You quickly turned to make eye contact with a boy who was carrying multiple bags.

"What the fuck? What are you doing in my room?"

"Y-your room?" You said before slipping off the chair. The boy quickly caught you and put you down.

"Don't mention it. Well looks like we're gonna have to talk to admin."
"Yeah I guess so."
"Mind if I leave my bags here?" He said.
"No not at all." You said. He dropped the bags off his shoulders and started walking out the door. You followed behind him and walked downstairs. You went looking for the front desk until you found the office. (I have no idea what a college campus has. I'm in middle school.)
"Hi um I think you made an mistake. You gave me and him the same room, even thought we both specifically paid for separate rooms." The boy said which you earlier learned his name was Robin.

"We'll...doesn't seem like there's anything I do for you two. All the room are filled and the semester is starting soon. Looks you two are gonna have to share a room."

You and Robin looked at each other.
"But theres only one bed?!"
The lady just shrugged her shoulders and went back to typing on the computer. Robin looked he was gonna explode but you just dragged him back into the dorm.

" I guess we're stuck sharing the room.. for the entirety of freshman year." You said with a groan. "Uh do you want the bed or the couch?" You said moving you stuff off the bed.

"Why would a make a women sleep on the couch?" He looking genuinely confused. "sorry, just asking."
You dropped your stuff back on the bed and moved the chair away from the couch as Robin laid down. "Four hour flight just for this bullshit." He covered his face with hand and not long after, falling asleep. You were trying to organize the dorm before you realize Robin had fell asleep. You put a blanket on him and stared at him a bit. Realizing how attractive he was.

"Woah y/n. You look like a creep right now." You went back to cleaning and putting stuff away. You moved your clothes to one side of the dresser so Robin could put his clothes on the other side. And you did the same to the closet. (Moving all your clothes to one side.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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