How could you? Pt3 FINALE (?)

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{ Y/Ns POV }

I kinda just stared at myself in the mirror until she walked in. "Oh look who it is. The lair, the bitch and her gorgeous wardrobe." (We do everything BUT slut shame here 🤩🤞🏽) is what I wanted to say but instead I said "oh- gosh you scared me." I said with a fake nervous laugh. "I'm sorry!" She said gently putting her hand on my shoulder.

Retract your paws off me.

I tried my best to get out of the bathroom asap now that she was in there. But before I could leave she stopped me when she said "your really lucky to have him." Which sounded backhanded as fuck. So I turned and forced a smile. " I know." Before walking out quickly. I sat down in my seat in-front of Robin in the booth. 
"You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine."

{ Robins POV }

She's not fine. I don't know what's wrong. I thought she would be happy, she's loves this restaurant. Wait is it about that girl? Suddenly she looked up and I could see her eyes following something. I looked and it was the girl going to down at her table. I got up and sat beside y/n on the booth. "Are you lying to me Mi amor?" I said wrapping my arm around her. She turn her head to look at me so fast she almost got whiplash.

"Me? Lying? I'm not the one who's lying."

She went back to looking forward. What she's mean shes not the one who's lying. No one's lying. Except for her cause she obviously not fine.

"Y/n is it about the girl? Because if it is I don't even know her like that. I've only seen her a few times around work."
"No it isn't just about the girl."
"I...I found a lipstick in the kitchen today. And it's not mines so.."
"You think it's someone else's?"
"...well...what does that mean?" I hesitated a little bit to think. "Wait do you think I'm cheating?" She looked past me to stare at that girl from earlier.
"Y/N?! You really think I would cheat on you?!"
"No of course not! But you know it's a little suspicious.. to say the least."
"Y/n m/n l/n. I would never cheat on you. Your the love of my life. For the millionth time." I cupped her cheeks ( upper🤨) and kissed her forehead. "Don't ever question that, okay?" She nodded.

"I want a verbal 'yes'."


"Good girl."

This short but I really wanted to finish and I I'm vv tired and someone asked me to the dance and I gotta find something to wear 😔😞🙁

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