one way ticket to hell pt6 finale🫢

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{third person POV}
"Y/n!" Robin whisper shouted. "Careful stepped on the fucking glass!" He yanked you back."I'm fine. This is what I have shoes for." You continued to walk over the glass and closer to the door.

Robin soon came threw the window and followed behind you. You both jumped once you saw a man asleep on the couch. "He's gotta be drugging out of his mind to not hear us break that window." Robin whispered in you ear before turning back towards the door.

"Better for us I guess. Go down." Robin saw for down what looked like a heavy door. It was cracked opened and you both could Vance fight the man off. "GET OFF OF ME!"
"You've been a naughty boy! You thought I wouldn't catch you digging threw my walls!"

"Robin let's go!" You pushed him faster  and he quickly opened the door. The loud cream made the man turn back and look at robin. He couldn't see you because you were shorter than Robin and directly behind him.

"What are you doing here hm? Doesn't'll do nicely.." the man punched Vance once before lunging at Robin who quickly dodged and punched him right back. But as Robin raised his foot to kick him in the face, but the man caught his leg and pulled him down. The man got on top of Robin and started choking him. (Ik ur sick of me saying 'the man' cause I am too just hang into there ✊🏽)

Robin fought back for awhile until he slowly lost power, until you came up behind the man and slung your sledge hammer  to land right on the side of his head. He fell on his side holding his head and groaning in pain. "Ah fuck! When. Did this little girl get here?!" "I'm a Little girl?" You said as you walked closer.

You raised your sledgehammer again. "Then killing you makes this all the more sweeter." (The way I struggled writing that sentencing. 😒) you let the sledgehammer fall on oh his head. Again and

And again

And again

Until his head was mush. Your face was drenched in blood such as the walls and floors.Vance was half conscious, shaking. Whether it was from you or the man, you didn't know. Robin was sitting on the floor mouth wide slightly open from shock. You were breathing hard and leaning on the sledgehammer. (Kinda like how you would a cane)

"So..y'all ready to go home?" Y/n said looking from Vance to Robin.
(robin & Vance:🧍🧍
Y/n:👩‍🦯 🩸 'drinks?')
"Go home?so we're not going to act like you didn't just brutally murder a middle aged man. With ease at that."

"That was...self defense. Yeah self defense. But we should probably go. You picked up your sledge hammer and walked to Vance. You wrapped Vance's arm around your neck and helped him out.
"I think people have have it twisted. I think your the most psychotic of the three of us." Vance said out of breath.
"We'll I'd rather be the underdog. You okay?"
"Yeah I'll be fine."
"Robin comere help me get him out."

Fast forward a few days

"Did you hear? Yeah she's like a literal murderer isn't she in jail?"
"Becauseee it was self defense." You said walking right past the group the group of people gossiping about you. "Why do you bother even responding anymore y/n? They won't listen."

Robin said walking beside you. "Because, it's the truth. Nothing to gain nothing to lose." You responded. "Except for your breath. And you guys PLEASE let go of each others hands it's gonna make me barf." Vance said rolling eyes. "Really Vance? Your gonna barf?" You leaned in to kiss Robin. "Then barf. Wait did you say please?!
"What? Fuck no! Of course I didn't!"

IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN GONE SO FUCKING LONG my mom took my phone then I started dying in school lost motivation in like everything ANYWAYSS I'm back (I think) my will to live is coming back but my mom make me delete TikTok so like im bored as hell. So I should be writing more and actually left the house so that's good okay okay bye now 🤩

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