Noise pt2

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{ Third person POV }

"Your such a funny a guy. You make me laugh you make me chuckle.. why aren't you laughing?"

"Cause I'm not joking."

"Um I like kids but I don't wanna any right right now. I know we've been together since 8th grade and my moms loves you but if I have a kid out of wedlock (is that how I say it? I hear it in a murder case one time.) my mom will have both of our heads." Robin got out of the bed and got something from from out the closet. He slammed a small box on the bed right in-front of your face. ( the way I imagined this in my head is hilarious and y'all won't get to experience that. 😔)

"No way." You picked up the box.
"Open it hermosa." You opened the box and their (ofc) was a ring inside.
"Are you seeing this azul?!" You showed the kitten the ring before looking up at Robin. " I was gonna propose on the trip next month but change of plans I guess." "Really?!"
"Yes really. We've been together for like 10 years. (Y'all were 24/25) so ? Is that a yes?"
"OF COURSE ITS A YES! Oh my god I gotta tell my mom, my aunt, AHH!"
"Okay okay, but I'm gonna do an actual propose soon and I'll have to change it because it has to be a surprise. So.." he slowly took the box away from you. "Let's put this away.." he put it back in the closet and got back in bed.

"Goodnight mi amor.. I love you." He said with his wrapped around your waist.
"I love you too."


You just got off of work and walked to the house. You closed and locked the door behind you, you closed your and cracked your neck. You felt something graze your leg, when you looked down you saw azul rubbing against your leg. "Oh hey baby.." you bent down to pick him up and held him (it is a boy right?) in your arm.You noticed the house was unusually quiet. "Robin?" You walked around the living room and looked from Robin. "Where's your dad?" You looked down at azul, And he just looked back. "Thought so.."you made your way to the back of the house where you saw the sliding door was open. You walked out and down the path and into the greenhouse. (Um the house layout is gonna be how I envisioned it. And I want a greenhouse 😕)

Soon as you walked in you saw Robin down on one knee.


I don't feel like writing his speech rn but if y'all want it so bad I will come back and edit it in after I'm done with these other chapts okay bye <33

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