Missed class

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Authors note: I gotta go get the names for who requested this chapt so I'll edit that in later🥲 you and Robin are sophomores in college cause why not. anyways enjoy 😜 also I didn't know so many bi ppl read this story 🫡 i luv y'all okay fr enjoy 😉

{ Robins POV }
"Okay class dismissed." Finally, I picked up my books and walked out of class. When I got to my next class, I was surprised not see y/n not waiting outside the door like she usually does. I guess she was already inside. I walked inside and looked around.

She wasn't there.

What the fuck.. (where, is it. Where the fuck, is it ⁉️ you laughing girl❓ 🧍 you trynna laugh ❓❔) where is she?
"Hey, where are you?" I texted her. Delivered? She never leaves me on delivered.. I mean I can't call her right now, I call when this class is over I guess.

(If your reads aren't on, who are you hiding from? I'm curious 🤨)

{ Y/Ns POV }
"I WANNA JUMP OFF A CLIFF!" I said barely coherent threw the tears. I was halfway under the covers cause I burning hot but I can't sleep without a blanket. Holding my stomach in the Fetal position. I can hear my phone vibrate but I couldn't care less. I grabbed the Tylenol and took two before laying back down.
I'm so hungry, but I don't feel like getting up.. whatever I'm gonna try and go to back to sleep.

{ Robins POV }
I've texted her like 5 times. Why isn't she answering? When does this class fucking end.

Fast forward after class💁🏽‍♀️

I hurried out the class and into the hallway. "Come'on pick up.."

{ Y/Ns POV }
Who keeps calling my phone.. ugh,
"Finally! I've been texting you for the past hour!"
"Sorry, I've been sleep.."
"Why weren't you in class today?"
"My period came on like two days ago. It's just constant pain, I didn't feel like coming in today."
"Well why did you tell me? I was worried about you all day."
"Sorry I wasn't thinking.."
"It's fine." I heard him let out a sigh.
"I'll be there soon mi amor."
"Okay see ya soon."
"Love you."
"Love you too." I hung up and put my phone back on my nightstand and laid my head back on my pillow and went back to sleep.

(Sleep is key 🧘‍♀️)

{ Third person POV }
Robin was right outside your door about to knock but he paused.
"Should I get her something.?." He whispered to himself. "Yeah, yeah I should." He walked away from your dorm not saying another word.

At the store 🏬

"Well, she said she like *insert a fav snack* I know that for a fact. But what else.." he thought to himself. He pulled up his phone and searched for any convos where the word 'snack' was mentioned. He found a text where you said "chocolate covered strawberries are just 😫 omg I love them"  he scrolled threw other convos and found other snacks. (Your in your mal era guys 🙄)

He went around looking for all the items (sounds like he doing a side quest😭) until finally he got all the snacks he thought you would want. When he was making his way to the counter, he saw some flowers.

(Robin: 🧍 the flowers: 🌸🫦🌸)

He let out a sigh and went to get a bouquet of flowers. He chose the one with most of your favorite colors and placed it in the cart. But before he could go to the register, Robin looked to his right and saw stuffed animals.


"Fuck..she is so lucky I love her." He said before he walked to the stuffed animals. He looked over them all before ultimately deciding on a medium sized dinosaur (Jurassic park: RæWr!¡!¡ -Chris sturniolo)

At your dorm 🫂

Robin knocked on your door and waited for you to open it. Once you did, you looked at him with dead eyes. (You weren't mad or anything, you literally just woke up.👍🏽) but they immediately changed when you looked at his hands and saw the bags.

When Robin walked in and placed the bags on the table. You went and looked inside one of the bags.
"*audible gasp* a push pop? I'm taking this home with me..is that okay?"
"Yes, it's all yours hermosa. But after you eat.." he took the push pop out of your hand and put the food he bought infront of you. Once you ate, finally, you felt a lot better. You had a few snacks before laying down. (Idk if y'all like being active during your period, but I like to rot in my bed so 🤭) 
"Come'on.." you said patting the spot beside you. "Alright." He laid down, and wrapped his arms around you. You fell asleep really easy, and you changed your position so much that Robin just, sat there. But soon he fell asleep with you.

This didn't turn out how I wanted it 🧍🏽‍♀️ I was writing earlier today then I watched a movie wit my mom and I fell asleep and woke up at 11pm 😀 tbh Idek know if I'm dreaming or not or if I'm in my dr I'm so confused Rn😧 if I'm dreaming it's weird that's y'all are in my dream 🫥 okay bye now children 🖐🏽

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