Behind closed doors

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background info: yall are sophomores in high school umm and that pretty much it. also SORRY I HAVENT BEEN UPLOADING SCHOOL AND MY MOM HAS BEEN KICKING MY ASS

{ third person pov }

you writing down your notes in class when you heard a semi-loud laugh from across the room. "mr.arellano." you looked up to see the teacher staring right at this boy. "yes teach." the boy said trying to keep a straight face. "anything you would like to share with the class?" "uhh no?" "then why are talking?" "because i felt like it..." "if i catch you talking again there will be consequences." "yes sir." the teacher went back to teaching. but a few moments later the teacher heard laughing again. "robin...please exit the class." "but- okay fine." he got out of his chair and walked out. and thats when you finally got a good look of him. thats when you raised your hand. "can i go to the bathroom?"

you walked out of class and looked both ways. you saw the boy half way down the hallway. So you went that way. He was leaning on the wall with his head back. As you walked pass he stopped you by grabbing your arm.(gently ofc) "Do you hear that?" He said looking to the left. "Hear what?" You said looking around. "Heels,and a walkie talkie..aka, the devil herself. Let's go." He pulled you into a janitors closet. A small


Janitors closet.
"As you both listened right ontop of each other, you heard the heels get closer and closer til you heard it pass the door. "Wow you've got g-great hearing.." you said practically right into his chest since he was kinda taller than you. He chuckled and you looked up. "Yeah I guess you could say that." He said looking back down at you. Causing you to immediately look back down. "You okay?" He said.
"Y-yeah I'm think it's okay to go out now?"
"Mm..yeah I think so." As you both open the door and walk out you both saw the halls filled with students.
They were all switching classes. And this did not look good in the slightest. "Shit.sorry." He grabbed your wrist and walked back to your class to get your stuff.
"Mighty long bathroom break ms.l/n." The teacher said as you came in and got your stuff.

"Mighty large school." You flashed a fake smile and quickly head out. Blushing everytime you think how close you were to the boy in the closet. You were down the hall when your best friend came up to you.
"HEY what happened with you and Robin?"
"The boy in the closet."
"Oh him. It was nothing."

So this is just a lil filler 🥱🥱 there will a part 2 with more drama 😈 I just wanted to give y'all sun to read rq while I finished "how could u part 2" because I'm trynna finish it by TONIGHT on a SCHOOL night and I have to get up at 5am cause I'm riding the bus now 😢😢

Life update: also lil personal side note my mom took all my crop tops 😨 cause I wore one to school but I ate so idrc also me and ex are finna get back together 😍🤞🏻  and my OTHER ex's gf followed me on TikTok the other day so like 😈 which I'm not gonna do anything but if he gets out like TRUST I'm hitting her up real fast. Anyways GOODNIGHT I LOVE YOU ALL 😻😻

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