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{ Robins POV }
"You ready?" She was grabbing her bag and putting her coat on. "No not really." She said in a cheery voice. "It's gonna be okay." I wrapped my arm around her waist and walked to the front door. She looked up at me. "Be okay? I'm getting a needle stuck in my body." I let her go and we got in the car. "Yeah but it doesn't hurt that much."
"Whatever you say Robin." She let out a sigh. I leaned over and looked at in her eyes.

"You trust me don't you hermosa?"
"Of course I do." (Do u get deja vu 🎶)
"Okay then." I lifted her chin to kiss me.(writing this from his pov is weirddd..abort)

{ Third person POV }
Robin started driving and you just got on your phone. Robin glanced at you for a quick second before looking back to the road.

He looked at you again and looked down at your lap. Where your hand was holding your phone. You were wearing this skirt and sitting down it was really really short.

(I get if you don't like skirts, I don't like skirts 😭 buts it valuable for the plot 🤌)

Robin turned his head and turned red.
"Shit.." he whispered under his breath.
"What?" You looked up at him. "Nothing." He shook his head in a dismissing way. You gave him a weird look and got back on your phone.

{ Robins POV }
I should just do it..we've been dating for almost 4 years. I mean we've so I'm sure she wouldn't mind. But still, I don't wanna make her feel uncomfortable. Should I ask? No that'll make the whole thing awkward. I should do it. Right? Yeah...alright..

{ Y/Ns POV }
I'm sooo fucking bored. My for you page is kinda boring right now. I'll just listen to some music then. I put my AirPods in and went to (insert preferred music app.) and put on some music.

(Music choices are: king for a day, heaven knows I'm miserable now, liquid smooth, words words words, mama, me and your mama. It'll tell me a lot about you 😷)

I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the chair. After about two songs, I opened my eyes and caught Robin staring at me a few times but he immediately looked away kinda embarrassed. He's so cute. I looked out the window and smiled. I love him so much.

When I closed my eyes again I felt Robin place his hand on my thigh. I immediately opened my eyes and looked at him. He immediately looked away with the excuse of turning right. (He had to look right aka away from you..didn't know if I explained that right 😭)
I tried to hide my smile and looked back out the window.

{ Third person POV }
Once you arrived at the tattoo shop, Robin got out first and held the door open. The tattoo artist, who was girl, looked visibly attracted and happy to see Robin. But once you walked in, her happiness kinda dimmed. You grabbed onto his shirt, as sort of comfort and he pulled you closer.

"Hi! Are you here for a tattoo or piercing?"

You opened your mouth to speak but Robin immediately talked before you could. "Tattoo." You rolled your eyes.
"You just got a piercing." He whispered to you.

"Okay this way!" She showed you both to the back. "So just sit right here and I'll be right back." The lady left so it was just you two.

"Are you going first?" You said before sitting down in a chair. "Yep." Robin laid down on the chair. (Like the type of chair you would lay on for a physical.)
"We're still getting it on our thigh?"
"You didn't wear a skirt for nothing Mi amor." Robin closed his eyes trying to relax his nerves a little bit. You were sitting in a chair right beside his head so you started playing in his hair. "Are you actually gonna get the tattoo? You don't have to if you want too."
"I mean I'm scared, but I really wanna do this with you."
Y'all were getting matching tattoos. Robin was talking getting a tattoo one day and you jokingly said 'how about we get matching ones.' And he took it seriously and started begging on his hands and knees, like literally. And you finally said yes.
"Okay you ready?" The lady walked backed in.

She did the prep work for the tattoo, like drew out the stencil or whatever it's called. (Great narration kyrii) after a while she started on Robins tattoo. He was laying back with one hand behind his head trying to play it cool when this hurt way more than he thought. He closed his and placed his hand on your thigh. Squeezing it.


Probably not gonna leave bruise but still very very tight. You didn't mind it one bit. You kinda smiled matter fact.

I'm at 800 words so y/n no tattoo for you hun🤭 I mean I could do a part to..Yk I probably will. Also I have open house today😓 and I'm wearing shorts and their like kinda really short. No one in my school has seen my legs (except for gym ofc) idk why I just made it my mission. Anywayssss that's it pretty much it good bye luvs 😘😘

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