One way ticket to hell

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Authors note: click the photo 😏

{ Third person POV }
"Come'on Vance give it up. Your not gonna beat your highscore." Robin said looking down at the pinball machine.
"Oh fuck off. He definitely can." You said also looking at the pinball machine.
"Nobody asked you." Robin said before he sighed.
"Oh you shut-"
"CAN BOTH OF YOU SHUT FUCK UP!" Vance interrupted you.
"Jeez.." you said. Vance was close to winning when this kid bumped into you, knocking pinball machine.
"FUCKING-" before you could do anything Vance had already knocked out one kid and was on-top of the other holding a knife. You and Robin already knew what to do. You walked to the counter and saw the cashier trying to call the cops. You pulled the plug on the the phone and the lady looked at you. All you did was give her a smug smirk. Robin was outside as look at out and you soon joined him. After a while, Vance walked out and you both turned to look at him.

"Let's go." He mumbled.

He started walking down the street. "Uh I think imma head home." You said. Vance looked at you before saying "the fuck you telling me for?"
"Alright then, later losers." You broke away from the other two and walked down a street.
"Yeah I think I should go to. See ya tomorrow at school?" Robin said.
"Yeah if I feel like showing up."
"Alright." Robin said before he started walking down the same street as you. Soon running after you.

"Y/N!!" Robin shouted. You looked back and saw Robin chasing after you.
"NOOO!!!" You started bolting. "ROBIN STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Robin always made it his mission to tackle you to ground every time you left. He claimed it was to 'keep you on your feet.' But you thought he just liked seen you pinned down (Ayo? 👀)

"Fucking morons." Vance said looking at Robin tackling you to the ground on some random persons yard. He kept walking down the street. Vance wasn't planning on going home just yet so he just kept walking. When he was turning onto a street, he saw a black van. It immediately stopped infront of him. And this weird, ugly looking man got out. (Y'all understand, Ethan hawke is not ugly he's quite fine 😍 the grabber is 🥱 know the difference.)

"Hey kid..wanna see a magic trick?"

"Do I look like I wanna see a your shit magic trick? Be fucking for real." Vance said back.
"Just one simple trick.." the man said slowly closing the space between him, and Vance.
"I'm guessing candy didn't work the first time?"
"I'm afraid I don't know what you talking about." The man said with a slight chuckle.
"Whatever old man." Vance tried to walk past him but instead the man grabbed him.
"WHAT THE FUCK LET ME GO!!" The man was silent as he struggled to force Vance in his van. Vance elbowed the man in the stomach before trying to run. The man chased after him and tackled him to the ground before punching Vance in the face multiple times, knocking him out. The man quickly picked him up and threw him in the van.

(The entire neighborhood:👩‍🦯🧑‍🦯👨‍🦯🦮)

Y'all my ex just asked to see my school schedule- what am I supposed to do 🧍🏽‍♀️
Y'all wanna see the ss? Ofc u do

————————————————————Y'all my ex just asked to see my school schedule- what am I supposed to do 🧍🏽‍♀️Y'all wanna see the ss? Ofc u do

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That's him on ft btw🫢 idk what to do

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That's him on ft btw🫢 idk what to do

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