Summertime fun pt2

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{ Y/Ns POV }
"No reason I just wanted you here is all." I said as Robin hugged me from behind.
"Okay well what are we going to do?" He said and I felt his breathe blow across my neck.

"I don't know we can watch a movie or something..or literally anything I don't care." He chuckled before getting my remote off my nightstand. He grabbed me and moved me to in front of him so I could see the tv. He put on (y'all's favorite show) which is what y'all were watching last time he was here. He put the remote down before wrapping his arms back around my lower stomach, holding me close to him.

I wasn't even paying attention to the show I was just focused on all the physical contact with Robin. He had his chin on my shoulder watching the tv. (Listening to heaven can wait nightcore version at 3:56 am is just 💋) I just wanted to stay here forever..then my mom walked in.

"Oop I'm sorry." Me and robins eyes quickly darted to my mom as she walked to my night stand. "I just wanted to bring you some fruit." She sat the bowl on my night stand and quickly left and closed my door back. I tried to close my eyes again but Robin stopped me.

"Going to sleep so early princess?" He said blowing in my face making me open my eyes.
"Nah I'm just resting my eyelids." I said looking at him.
"You can't call me over just to go sleep.
"What do you wanna do then?"
"Look at me." I turned my body, so me and him were face to face.
He leaned in and kissed me while placing his hand on my lower back and pulling me closer.

I closed my eyes but as soon as I did I heard my front door open and slam shut. Immediately after, I heard arguing. I turned to look at my door. But Robin just pulled my chin to look at him.
"Just focus on me okay?"

He could also clearly hear the arguing. I tried to smile and so did Robin but then I heard my door open and I saw robins eyes widen. Before I knew it my dad yanked me from my bed and slapped me. "Your such a fucking whore."

{ Robins POV }
Y/n was on the floor crying and I quickly jumped out of the bed the as he was finna hit her again. As he was about to swing I stopped his arm by grabbing his wrist. "Don't fucking touch her again." I said not breaking eye contact.

"Tch.. I don't time for some little kid." He snatched his arm and walked out. I watched him walk down the stairs clearly stumbling. He was obviously drunk.
Soon as I heard the front door slam again I dropped to the floor to comfort y/n. I looked at her face, she had two small cuts from his rings.I tried to call her down and it seemed to be working. Soon as she stopped crying I got up to get the first aid kit out her bathroom. I came back and put the ointment on her cuts.

I know it burned cause she used this same kit on me when I fought moose (?) back in middle school.

She winced a little but let me do it. Once I put the bandages on her, I placed my hand on her cheek. She smiled and I smiled back. And I don't what I did but she started again.

{ Third person POV }
You let your head fall onto Robins chest "I'm sorry." You said underneath all the tears.
"For what?" Robin said as he rubbed your back.
"My dad."
" he has nothing to do with you. It not your fault y/n."
"I still feel like shit."you say into his chest.
"Because I can never just be happy with you. Something's always happens."
You make your way onto robins lap, with your arms wrapped around his neck.
"Well if that's what you want then we can go out somewhere next time."

"okay princess..whatever you want." He stands up and lays on the bed. Y'all were holding onto each other.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now. Like not resting my eyes."

"Okay goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too."
The end!! Bro why do my oneshots end up so long 😔 I'm sorry should I try making them shorter? Cause I read other one shots and their wayyyy shorter than mine. Maybe I like to explain every single single down to where a single strand of hair is (but still manage the grammar mistakes 🤪) anyways goodnight love ya <33

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