Contagious pt3 🍋

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{ Y/Ns POV }
He pulled it out of his boxers. I wanted to cry. Ain't now that is fitting inside me. He started pumping it and all I could do was stare. Soon as he was finished he looked up at me. He tugged at my underwear begging for entry. I closed my eyes and nodded again. He took them off and positioned himself. He hand his arms on Both sides of me.
"You ready?" He said looking at me.
"I mean as ready as I'll ever be."
He bit his lip nervously (🫦🫦) before I felt him jam into me. "FUCK!" I started gripping and scratching his back.
"You okay?" He said worried as my eyes were slightly watering.
"Y-yeah I'm fine.. can you um, can you go a little faster." That was my attempt of trying to be tough never ever again will I ever do that. He nodded his head and sped up. He in and out and I'm and out. And my fucking headboard kept hitting the wall. He slowed down at point and I felt him my g-spot. "Right there, right fucking there.." I said out of breath and he kept going. Soon I came, and he continued fucking me threw my orgasm. I was practically screaming. I kept scratching his back and everytime I opened my eyes he was just smiling also out of breath. He kept going faster and faster and I couldn't help the sounds that escaped the mouth.
"Fuck y/n.. I love the sounds you make." He said with his face in my neck. "Y/n im close.." he said he went even faster which I didn't think was possible. Then he pulled out just before he came on my stomach. We both just sat there out of breath. Then he got and got a towel out of the bathroom and wiped my stomach off then himself before flopping down beside me.
He turned his head to look at me.
"Your fucking tight you know that?"
"No I didn't thank for telling me." I said as I looked at the ceiling. He turning my head to look at him.
"I love you y/n."
"I love you too Robin." He kissed me then we both fell asleep.

SO SORRY THIS WAS SHORTTT also sorry if it seemed rushed I have to pack and stuff for a trip tmr and I leave at like 5am 🤪 but I can do another part or another scene with the whole shabang like Yk 🧠 and all that good stuff anyways night love uu

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