Dont join a band

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Authors note: at the time I'm writing this I'm at 99.4 reads. I'm shaking in my boots 😫 now I can say I accomplished two goals this summer 🤭 well I started writing this story bc my friend Emma wanted some one-shots and asked me to write some so you guys owe this whole story to my best friend, Emma. Thank you all sm y'all are so nice and funny and amazing and great and everything. AHH take all my love

Again I love y'all so much 😢 chances are if you comment a few times, I probably remember your username 😭 (which is shocking cause I swear I have beginners dementia🃏

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Again I love y'all so much 😢 chances are if you comment a few times, I probably remember your username 😭 (which is shocking cause I swear I have beginners dementia🃏.) again thank you 🙇‍♀️ you and robin 22/23 😜 and now onto the story 😍

{ Third person POV }
Robin was laying in bed knocked out, and you were at your desk trying to write songs. You laid down with Robin but you ended up getting back up to write. When Robin reached for you and you weren't there, it took him a second but he woke up to look for you.

"Y/n...what are you doing?"

He said looking at you. You looked back him, who was shirtless sitting up. (Idk abt y'all but I'm going back to bed 😍)

"I'm trying to finish these last three songs..but I'm just stuck." He let out a sigh and got off the bed. He walked over to you.

"I know you don't wanna let your band down but you need sleep mi amor.."

"Can I just finish this one song please?" Robin thought about for a second.
"Fine. But if you don't finish it in 20 minutes, your going to sleep."
"Fine." He sat down (where? Don't ask me.) and you tried to keep writing.

But writers block was just hitting you hard right now. You wrote like two lines before the twenty minutes was up.
"Come'on..." he stood up.
"No please a little while longer.."
"Nope.." he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder and walked to the bed. He gently laid you on the bed before climbing ontop of you and laying his head on your chest.

He wrapped his arms around your stomach and closed his eyes.
"It's okay just go to sleep." You really couldn't do anything since Robin was literally ontop of you, so you just played in his hair til you fell asleep.


Sorry this was short 😓 I took melatonin again and now I have a headache 👍🏽 so I'm finna pass out also I wanna do quick thank you for 100k reads 🤗 I just check abt 5 mins ago. I will get more into it tomorrow but for enjoy this. Also if y'all have any ideas for like 100k special I'm totally down 🤭 okay goodnight luvs <33

Robin one shots Where stories live. Discover now