How could you? Pt2

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Ignore the photo it was the most recent thing in my photos 😭
~Timeskip to when Robin got off

{ Third person POV }
You were back in living room after getting over your fear We don't really know whats wrong with you. But Robin opened the door and you almost slipped running to him. "Careful Mi amor!" He said catching you just as your head almost hit the floor. "Sorry sorry." He lifted you up before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "Come'onnn.." he held your hand and walked you to the bedroom. "We gotta get ready." "For what?" "I wanna take you somewhere before you go to work."

"Oh okay. Um what the dress code?" "Uh you can dress up if you want, or dress casual I'm dressing based off you."
"Well then I'm dressing up cause I love seeing you in suit." You smiled before running to your closet "Robin tell me where we're going so I know how to dress."


"Fuck you." You let a sigh before picking out one of your best dresses. "Rather be over dressed than underdressed." You thought. You went in the bathroom and changed, and when you walked out Robin was on his phone laying on the bed with one leg propped up and one hand behind his head.

"Okay I'm done." You were striking poses and Robin finally looked up and dropped his jaw before standing up and walking towards you."

"You look..." Robin started "amazing? I know Thank you." You said sarcastically flipping your hair. "Like my future wife.." he before lifting your chin and bending down to kiss you.

"Funny way to propose but I accept."  You said with the biggest smile on your face. "Soon princesa. Okay lemme go get dressed right quick." You pulled your head towards his and kissed your forehead before going to the closet you laid down on the bed.

Fast forward to when you both were at the restaurant.
"Um table for two please." Robin said to the waiter. "Okay right this way." he guided you two towards your table.

"Here are the menus and can I get you two started with anything to drink?" "Um you first Mi amor." Robin gestured towards you making the waiter turn his attention to you also. "Um can I just get a..(whatever drink you want)" you smiled and started looking at the food menu.
"Can I just a water? Thank you." "Of course I'll go get that for you." The waiter smiled at you both and walked off.
"I don't know what I want to eat..what are you getting?" You said still looking at your menu. "I might just try the lobster tail this time. Why don't you get what you always get?"
"Well what do I always get? You know I have shit memory." Robin leaned over the table and scanned the menu. "Crab cakes and (choose ur main course)." He pointed to stuff of the menu and looked up at you. "That what you usually get." He smiled before leaning in to kiss you. And as soon as you closed your eyes you felt the presence of someone else right infront of you.


You heard in a loud obnoxious voice. You broke the kiss and look to see this beautiful women staring directly at Robin like she wanted to eat him before leaning in to kiss his cheeks. Robin looked confused but was smiling trying not to be rude.

"Hi um?" "Veronica?! From work?!" "Oh hi.."
"Well are you going to introduce me to your little friend here-"
"Friend?! Did she not just me and him swapping spit just now?!" You thought watching them talk.
"Girlfriend you mean." Robin interrupted. "And Veronica this is my girlfriend, y/n. And y/n this is Veronica someone from work I guess.."
Veronica put out her hand for you to shake and you did cause you didn't wanna be rude. "Um excuse me I have to use the bathroom." You said standing up, fixing up your dress before walking away to the bathroom.

{ Y/Ns POV }
Never in my life have I been provoked to hit a woman...

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