One way ticket to hell pt2

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Authors note: y'all about hisoka...hear me out...THEY KNOW WHAT THEIR DOING PUTTING HIM NAKED ON MY SCREAM! 😪 moving on.. forgot to mention you,Robin and Vance are in 8th grade. Is Vance supposed to be in 8th grade? No 🙀 he supposed to be in 9th so keep the in mind at the end (not the end of this chapt the VERY end) okay bye 😘

{ Third persons POV }
Robin had you pinned to the ground, legs at your side hovering over you. (Y'all understand the position right? 😭) holding your hands to the ground.
"Come'on Robin! Let go!" You shouted.
"You know the rules. Tap out."
"How can I tap out if my hands are pinned down?!"

He rolled his eyes and let go of one hand. Soon as he did, you. Grabbed him by his throat and versed the roles. You were now ontop of him with one hand on his throat and the other pressing down on his chest. (Now she down reversed it, got up on the - and ride that shit like a Camaro😜 jk )

He had his hands up in a way of surrendering. "Alright. Fine I tap out." He tapped your shoulder. You got up and helped him get off the ground.
"I win. Pay up."

You held your hand out. Robin slammed five bucks in your hand. "Thank youu." You stuffed it into your pocket before you continued to walk down the street, dusting off your clothes.

"Alright now I'm going home for real this time." You said.
"Okay see ya tomorrow." Robin turned down a street and you kept forward. Once you walked inside your house you took your shoes off before walking upstairs. You ran to moms room.
"I'm right here why are you shouting?"
"Oh sorry. Can Vance and Robin come over tomorrow?"
"Sure but if I end with another whole in my wall, y'all are going somewhere else."
"Fineeee." You went back to your room.

Timeskip to the next day 🖇

You got up and got ready for school. You grabbed your backpack (backpack backpack backpack backpack. Load it up and something else 🎼🎵🎶) and ran downstairs. "Bye ma!" You waved and she waved back (she was in the kitchen and you were walking past .) before you walked out the house.

You walked to the spot you, Robin, and Vance usually met in the mornings. Well, if Vance felt like coming. You went and sat at the spot a few minutes before you saw Robin walking up the street. Once he made it to you, you took a step back.

"Don't worry i only tackle you when your leaving. You know that."
"Still I don't trust you.." you squinted your eyes at him.
"Do what makes you happy I guess...hey, have you seen Vance?"
"No. I was gonna ask you the same thing." You cracked your neck.

(The end 🤗)

"I don't know, maybe he didn't feel like coming today."
"Maybe. We should probably wait a little while before leaving."
"No arguments here."
You both waited another ten minutes.
School was finna start, so y'all needed to get a move on. "I don't think he's coming." You said looking at Robin.
"Me too. Let's go."

At school 📚

You and Robin went to homeroom, which you all would've had together if Vance showed up. As you and Robin walked down the halls, kids moved outta the way.

Vance and Robin were already feared by almost everyone in school. Vance definitely was the most feared, he fought anyone who got in his way, Even teachers. Robin Never fought unless he needed too. Robin was also popular cause he was funny. And you. You fought one person on the first day of school and Vance grew a liking to you. You rarely fought but when you did it got very bloody.  So y'all became the infamous trio throughout  the entire school since 6th grade.

You and Robin sat in your usual seats in the back of the class. You paid attention while Robin was just looking around the classroom.

With Vance 👹⛓

{ Vance's POV }
Fuck..I have the worst headache. I looked around what looked like a room.  I looked to my left and saw that creepy old man staring at me.

(Guys hear me out 😭 when the grabber was staring at finney he looked like that will smith meme LOOK

(Guys hear me out 😭 when the grabber was staring at finney he looked like that will smith meme LOOK

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"I just wanted to watch you sleep."
The man stood up and started to leave. This is my chance...I got up and ran behind him and put him in a choke hold. (I just know he had to do a little jump.) he struggled but I kept my grip tight. But he fucking elbowed me in my side making my grip waver. Just for a second, but still enough time for him to get loose. And before I knew it I was blacking out again.

My little brother won't stop watch coryxkenshin sss and I'm getting sick of it. He watched the same ones over and over. Anyways I hope you guys like it so far this is so fun to write and I'm SOOOO excited for this one scene but it's at the very very end 😞😔😕🙁😔😕😕🙁🙁😕 also I wake up everyday and realize that me and Miguel have the same bday and I smile for some reason🤭 okay that's all bye 😘

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