Totally studying

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A lil quick authors note 🤭 this whole thing is gonna be in y/ns pov specifically Because well you'll see.. and this takes place in 2022 (forgive me if you don't like that.🙇‍♀️) btw don't take this chapter too seriously this is just a something I wrote at 2am that I would be a good laugh atleast also that picture is meant for y'all 😘 oki bye now

"What's the square root of 18?" I lifted my head to ask Robin who was looking up at the ceiling. God damn. He's kinda-
"I don't fucking know.." he lifted his head up to look at me. "But I know your gonna tell me." Of course I was. I loved being the smartest.
"It's 4.24 you fucking idiot." I leaned forward to thump his forehead but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his face. I felt his breath on my cheek. I feel...what's the word..seduced? Perhaps. He scanned my face before letting me go. "You may be smarter but Im stronger. Don't forget that princess."
"How many times am I going to tell you , don't call me princess!" I try and sound serious but Robin just smiled and got in my face. "Your so cute when your angry."

That's it. Take that corny as shit to Wattpad. (wait 👁👄👁)
"Shut the fuck up." I tried to push his face away but he grabbed my hand and pulled it again. This time putting his other on my lower back. Stop...why is my back arching..

"What did I say huh?"

"To be honest..I don't remember, repeat that for me?" He leaned towards my ear and whispered

"I'm stronger.." his voice just keeps sending shivers down my spine. I swallowed  (pause) but I swear I couldn't gulp any louder (pause x2)
"I'm gonna got get something to drink.." he let go of my arm and my back and Oh my gosh what I would've given to stay there..

I went to his kitchen and fixed me something to drink. I took a big sip before fixing him some. I grabbed the cups and made my way back to his room. He was sitting on his bed playing his guitar. Once he saw my feet (with socks on 🤨) he looked up at me.

"Close the door."

Don't gotta tell me twice. I closed the door with my foot and sat the cups on his desk. And then sat on the bed. "Whatcha playing?"
"Me and your mama."
Just then did I hear the music he had put on his speaker. He was obviously waiting for the beat drop so I laid down and listened to the song til it did. Soon as it did I sat up and watched him play. Soon as it said "you know that I love you." He looked at me and I swear the bitch was in slow motion and oh my, did I have it on repeat. Then he put his guitar down and we both started aggressively lip singing the lyrics and he just kept getting closer and closer til we were practically on top of each other before I knew it his lips were on mines. I fell back and Robin followed, hovering over top of me.

The end !!! I would write smutt but his actor and the character Robin himself is underage and that's a no no 😌 sorry for any grammar mistakes I wrote this in like 30 so I didn't forget 😭 so I hope you liked it !! Byeee

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