Late night drives pt.2

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{ Y/Ns POV }
I stood up and Robin held my hand and walked me outside. Once we got to the car he let go of my hand,I felt kinda sad but whatever. we got in the car and sat down. I looked back and saw all the stuff in the backseat.

"Can you tell me what we're gonna do now?" "Nope." I let out a loud sign as he pulled out of the driveway. "It's gonna be okay princess." He places his hand on my thigh and pats it before leaving it there.

He always does stuff like this but it still makes my stomach do fucking cartwheels. "But what do you want to eat?" He looked at me for a quick second before looking back on the road. "Um I don't can pick."
"I asked you didn't I?" "Yeah but I don't know, so you can pick."

"Hmm White Castle?"

{ Third person POV }
Robin took a sharp left turn to get to White Castle. once y'all got there he asked you what you wanted and then he ordered it and paid. Once he got the food he pulled out the parking lot and started driving again.

{ Robins POV }
"Robinnn Come''s been like thirty minutes! Just tell me already." I heard her say as she put her drink back in the cup holder.
"Really wanna know that bad?"
"Yes that's why I'm asking."
"'ll just have to wait and see."

{ third person POV }
(I'm gonna fast forward a few hours cause it's getting dragged out more than it has to.) it was around 8pm when Robin finally stopped driving. It was dark out and when you were in the car you couldn't really see anything. Once Robin got out you followed and saw it was an empty parking lot. (You can imagine it how you want it)

{ Y/Ns POV }
I walk down the side of the car looking left and right for Robin. Where the fuck did he go? "Robin? Hello-"

I got interrupted as I felt Robins slightly muscular hands lift me up and put me on his lap. I guess I just didn't notice he was sitting on the back of the car.
"Hey there princess." "Hello." He rested his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his hands around my waist. "Why are we here Robin?" I asked because whenever we hangout we go somewhere like an arcade or something. "Because I wanted to spend time with you."
"Couldn't we have-"

"Only you."

{ Third person POV }
Y'all two chatted and ran around the parking lot like there was no tomorrow. Eventually y'all both got tired and went to the back of the car. Y'all laid down a blanket before getting in before you laid down and Robin went to the front seat to lock the car doors.
After he climbed to back with you. He laid down and you laid on top of him.

"Goodnight. I love you." You said as you closed your eyes

"I love you too." Robin wrapped his arms around you and closed his.

Sorry if it was anticlimactic, I was planning on making it more detailed but then I was watching demon slayer and one of my fav characters died and then I lost motivation again 😭 and I gotta get up early tmr. But I have the next one shot in mind it's gonna be a little short but it's gonna be good..hopefully. And thank u for all the kind words 💖  OH AND sorry for any grammar mistakes I write these at like 1am 🥲 and last but not least, you can definitely send in request give me a like a little description and I'll turn it into to something 🤭 okay bye noww <33

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