Noise pt3

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{ Third person POV }

"Y/N! BREATH IN!" You friend shouted. "I AM!" You spat back. "ONE MORE DEEP BREATHE! COMEON YOUR GONNA BE LATE!"



"I DONT BUT STOP MOVING FOR LITERALLY A SECOND!" you stopped moving to let kali, (short for kalistasia. If I see y'all commenting Mary poppins ur getting blocked 🤗 I'm jk ) fix your hair.

"Finally.." she zipped you up and got off her knees. (Get your mind out of the gutter 🤨) you let out a long breath.
"Okay...I think your ready." Both your friends covered their mouth with their hand in awe.

Kali walked to the side of Kameron wrapping her arm around her shoulder. Kameron in turn laying her head on kali's shoulder. "She's all grown up." Kali said.

"Ditching us for a man. What happened to chicks before dicks." (😕 feels appropriate to put the emoji.)

"You two have each other, I can have someone?" You said looking in the mirror. Kali and Kameron looked at each other and kissed. (Their Both girls by the way 😭)

"Oh my god this is really happening. I can't believe this." Kali said looking into the unknown.

"Yeah me we have anything to eat?" You said turning on your heels to look at them.

"Girl." "What? Can't a girl eat?"

"Five minutes."

"Your making me nervous Kameron. Please don't do a countdown."
"Ms.girl, how you gonna know when to leave?"

"Shut up. I'm scared. I'm nervous." You said shaking your hands. You tried to sit down but since you didn't wanna ruin your dress you had to sit very carefully.

(Y'all can imagine the dress, the venue, the theme bc I know not all of y'all like the same things so I'm sorry if it's very vague 😭)

"Come on, let's take some photos." Kali pulled out her phone and Kameron immediately hopped into your lap.
"One, two, three!" You both blinked but  kali thought it was funny and kept it. "Okay Kam my turn." Kameron got up and took the phone from kali. She sat down beside you and placed a kiss on your cheek and you smiled.  ( it was friendly kiss Alr)

"Alright y/ ready?"

"Nope..but it's time isn't it?" She nodded her head. You stood up and took a deep breath. "Let's go then." The three of you walked to door. They both gave you a hug before leaving.

You shook your hands nervously. You took a few deep breathes before you heard the music start.
"Oh shit okay.." you opened the doors and immediately all eyes were on you. Robins eyes tearing up immediately. Vance was the one to walk you down the aisle (don't ask why, don't ask how. My dad has left me on delivered since yesterday so I'm pissed off rn 🙄)

"Thanks Vance."

"Don't mention it. Like don't."

"Aw Robin are you crying?" Finn say to Robin. "Of course I'm crying. I'm marrying the love of my life. You'll understand when you stop being pequeña perra and propose to Donna."

"Don't worry about me." Finn pat robins shoulder as you finally made it to him.
"We father here today, to (blah blah blahx5).... Do you Robin (middle name unknown) Arellano, take y/n  m/n  l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Robin said looking into your eyes smiling so hard.

"Do you y/n take-"

"I do." You interrupted.

"Well, you may now kiss the bride."  He held one of your hands while pulling you in by your waist with the other. Everyone started shouting and clapping. You could hear kali literally screaming. Even Vance cracked a smile. Fast forward Robin was carrying you into the airbnb (bridal style 😜) and laid you on the bed before laying on top of you.

He let out a sigh. "Wow. We're finally married. And I'm exhausted."
"Really?.. I Thought we were gonna have some fun tonight."

He immediately looked up at you. (The quickness lemme tell you, he coulda got whiplash.)

"I'm never to tired for that."

I think y'all know what y'all did. (Pov: you the next morning 👩🏽‍🦽)

Timeskip 😏

It's been about 4 months since you and Robin got married. Now y'all were just watching a movie in the living room.
"Be right back in finna get something to drink."
"Alright." He moved his arm from around you and you got up and went to the kitchen. You got a bottle of water out the fridge and turned back to the tv.
"Shes so fucking stupid.." you said after taking a sip.
Robin looked back at you. "How?"
"She's just..she um, sorry.." you started to feel kinda dizzy and your vision went kinda blurry. Robin noticed at got up.
"Y/n u okay?" You heard just before fainting. (I vaguely remember this happening in a ncis episode so imma if it's not accurate rip 🤭)

You woke in the hospital Robin holding your hand. "Robin?" He looked up and immediately hugged.
"Don't fucking do that again."
"I don't even know what I did." After you said that, the nurse walked in.

"Hi mr, and Mrs.Arellano (yes we took his last name 😔)?"

"Yes." You and Robin said in unison.

"So it looks like nothing is seriously wrong with Mrs.Arellano, just seems to be fatigue."
"That's good." He squeezed your hand.

"But we did find something else.." the nurse said..

"Do I have a tumor?!"
Robin looked at you. "What?!?" He said looking extremely worried.
"What? No! It's-"

"Do I have herpes?! (😟😟) " Robin eyes went even wider.
"What is it with you and herpes?!?"
"I don't know! it's a fear of mine!"

"NO ITS NOT HERPES!!" The nurse shouted making the both of you look at her. She took a deep breath. "Congratulations! Your pregnant!"
(Y/n: say sike rn.)

"Really?!" Robin said like an excited kid.

"I-I'm gonna be a mom? I barely know how to be a wife.."

"Your gonna be great. Plus I'm right here with you Mi amor." He smiled at you.

"I love you, so much Robin."

"I love you too hermosa." He said before he leaned in to kissed you

I exceeded 1000 words again 😔😔😔 but I wanted this all in as the final part. Anyways school starts the 29th for me so kinda scared 😱 espically since I have a class with the person I hate sm I can just imagine the awkward eye contact. Plus I have lunch with them. I hate eating infront of ppl I don't like 😢😢 anywaysssssss that's it I hope u liked it Byee <33 😘

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