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"Her husbands acting different and it smells like infidelity"

Trigger warning: brief mentions of pedophilia.


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Monday morning lead me to Maggie's sofa. I hadn't spoken to Leo since Wednesday, the day of the interview. It's quite easy for us to avoid each other, it's normal for us to just just ignore one another. He often sleeps on the sofa or in the spare room, which avoids the awkwardness of sleeping together. He hasn't slept in the same bed as me, since Milo was born. He says it's because he doesn't want his sleep disturbed by my child. But, I'm sure there are other reasons behind it.

I hadn't told him about the rehearsal today. If he didn't know, then he couldn't talk me out of it. I told him I cancelled it.

I didn't.

I told him this morning that I was going to Maggie's house today, to help her 'redecorate her room'. In other words, I was going to Maggie's house, to get a pep talk, and drop Milo off whilst I went to the rehearsal. But he doesn't need to know that.

He doesn't need to know until the day I leave.

I'd fear for my life if I told him before.

"He's an actual arsehole, I know you don't see it like I do, but he's a complete arsehole" Maggie tells me. It's not the first time I've heard this speech from her.

She holds Milo close to her chest, you can see him visibly relax once he realises, he's not in the hands of his father. Maggie had always been there for the both of us. I had met her a few years ago, just after Leo and I tied the knot.

She was there throughout the honeymoon phase, she was there when Leo threw his first punch, she was there when he pushed me down the stairs, she was there when Milo was born. Since Milo was born, she's been around a lot more, than ever before. I thought it was just because she liked babies. But she had told me that, it wasn't just me that she had to protect anymore, it was Milo too. She felt as though, she was the one who had to protect us both from Leo's actions.

"I just think he gets a bit protective over me, he was probably scared to be left alone with Milo" I make up ridiculous excuses for him. I can slightly understand where he was coming from, I would've been mad too if he was just going to up and leave for the summer. But the difference is, I wanted to 'up and leave' because of his constant threats and manipulation, he would've been leaving so he could get drunk and have affairs with girls nearly seventeen years younger than him.

He paid them a hefty amount of money, so they kept quiet about it. He had told me before about his wild nights with college girls. He probably thought it made me jealous. But, it just made him a predator. A predator for girls as young as fifteen, he had told me.

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