☼ twenty six ☼

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"If the world was ending, you'd come over right? The sky'd be falling and I'd hold you tight, and there wouldn't be a reason why we would even have to say goodbye"

We made it to the end of tour, but h & a's story is far from over <3

We made it to the end of tour, but h & a's story is far from over <3

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"Last show in Europe, baby." Was the first thing Harry said to me this morning, and his words hadn't left my head since.

The last show.

I couldn't believe how quickly it whizzed past.

I blinked and the tour was over. In just a few hours our lives would go back to normality.

But only for fourteen days. And then we were setting off for Canada. Georgie had announced the news as we were leaving Spain, all of my paperwork had finally gone through, and as long as I passed my health check, I'll be working with Harry up until December.

Milo will be nearly one by the time we finally settle down at home. But Harry assured me that this was an incredible opportunity for him. He was determined to teach my little man new languages, and allow him to socialise with children his age.

I was particularly thrilled to be exploring new places with my new friends, and to carry on doing what I truly loved. Being on stage was scary, it was nerve wracking, but I loved every second, you can't seem to get the buzz from anything else.

Just for the night, I'm the one helping to make the magic, yet the spotlight isn't directly on me, and I love that. I love being able to contribute to something so special, yet I'm still able to hide in the shadows of the stage lights.

"What's on your mind, meu amor?" Harry comes out of nowhere and places his hands on my hips, his thumbs gently rubbing circles over the fabric of my shorts. He places his head on my shoulder, his breath fanning my neck.

"Just thinking" I mumble, my eyes never leaving the empty arena in front of us. We seem to have come full circle.

"That's a dangerous thing to do" he comments before craning his neck to place a kiss on my cheek.

"It's gone by so fast." My words are barely a whisper, my mouth barely moving, too ridden with emotions to speak louder. I know I'll just start crying.

"But we get to do it again." He always finds the light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining, the sunshine within the clouds. It's probably one of his best qualities.

"Milo's getting older, he's a handful at the best of times. I'm excited, but it's going to be hard work, especially with him crawling." He isn't quite there yet, but I'm sure it'll only be a month or two until he's speeding around the bus, trying to touch everything within his reach. The thought of having to do that alone is terrifying.

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