☼ thirty four ☼

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"To you, everything's funny, you've got nothing to regret, I'd give all I have honey, if you could stay like that"


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It's been two months since I nearly got on my knees for Amelie, reeling off all of the reasons as to why I love her. And in those short two months, our relationship has only bloomed.

It's been an incredibly busy few months, I completed my residency tour at Madison Square Gardens, and I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with my beautiful girlfriend each night. There truly was no greater feeling.

Milo was nearing ten months old and he's managed to gain two new words. Pop and mama. He chants pop over and over again, and he'll only stop once somebody plays him Cinema. It's his all time favourite even after all this time, he can't seem to get enough of it.

Amelie's reaction to him saying pop was an absolute picture, she was devastated that his second word wasn't mama, but she could not believe that he could say pop. She wasn't in the room when he first let the word slip and she didn't believe me until he started chanting pop all over again. Now she plays Cinema for Milo nearly every ten minutes just to keep him happy.

He then finally said mama about two weeks later, and Amelie's reaction was something that will live with me forever. She cried and cried, filming Milo saying it a million times over. She was so proud of her little baby, though he wasn't so little anymore.

I couldn't believe how grown up he was now, he'd be turning one in just two months. Amelie had already started brainstorming ideas for his party. We'd be back home by his birthday, meaning we could throw him the best first birthday there has ever been.

It felt like ages ago since I last cradled him in my arms, he's practically a toddler now, and my heart aches at how fast he's growing up. I swear it was just the other day that I was holding a tiny four month old Milo in my arms.

Time slips away from you.

"No mama" Milo crawls towards me, another thing he's mastered within these past two months, he's speedy too, we can't take our eyes off of him.

"What's the matter baby boy?" I ask him, lifting him onto my hip as if he was still a little baby.

"No mama" he repeats again, pointing towards the door that Amelie emerges from.

"Somebody didn't like that mumma was keeping them safe and wouldn't let them shut their fingers in a door" Amelie remarks with a slight eye roll, leaning herself up against the door frame.

"No mama" Milo whines again, shaking his head at Amelie.

"How dare mumma not let you trap your fingers in a door?" I play along with a little gasp.

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