☼ fifty nine ☼

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"When you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while"



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Today was the day.

The day that Harry and I were tying the knot.

The day that I was finally going to become Mrs Styles.

We had driven to Paris last week, we spent seven whole days in the spring sunshine, visiting tourist attractions, going to Disneyland and the Eiffel Tower.

But today was wedding day.

Harry's mum was taking the kids back to England tomorrow, so Harry and I had an extra four days in Paris, just the two of us, before we go back home as a married couple.

Harry and I had decided not to copy old traditions with our wedding day, we wanted it to be unique to us, we didn't want to follow old wives tales of it being bad luck to see each other on the day or having to have something borrowed or blue.

Instead, we were getting ready together. As a family.

And not just the five of us. Our tour family and friends too.

One of Harry's producers had a huge house in Paris, it slept fifteen, so that's where we had all been staying for the past week. It felt like we were on tour again.

We had also decided to scrap my father walking me down the aisle, or having a father daughter dance.

Instead Milo was walking me down the aisle.

"Mummy, Bo not being nice to Milo" Milo whines, attaching himself to my leg whilst I dab foundation over my face.

"Why isn't Bo being kind?" I ask him, crouching down to his level.

Bodhi was turning three next month and after countless efforts of Harry and I sharing our concerns with his doctors, he had finally been given a diagnosis of ASD. They're not entirely sure if it's due to his brain trauma when he was born, or if it was just in his genetics. It didn't matter either way because Bo was still our Bo.

Though his favourite thing at the moment is to cause chaos, which isn't unusual for him, but he had become a lot more physical recently, he can't be left alone with Lyra because he ends up tackling her to the ground or trying to bite her fingers. He often tries to pinch Milo or pull on his curly hair. But he doesn't do it out of hatred. He wants to communicate but he doesn't know how.

"Bo bite me" Milo sulks into my legs.

I hear Harry let out a little sigh beside me, but before we even get the chance to go and find the culprit, Bodhi is toddling into the bathroom with the biggest smile on his face.

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