☼ twenty five ☼

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"Don't waste the time I don't have, and don't try to make me feel bad"


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"Say cheese" I wave to the babies who are sitting on the stage in the Wizink Center. The three of them dressed in the cutest little boiler suits.

"Cheese!" Saffie grins at me, putting her thumbs up in front of her face.

"Eeee!" Ollie squeals pulling the silliest of faces.

Milo looks completely baffled at the two of them, but he cooperates and sits still, so I'm able to take a picture of them.

"Look at my little babies on tour!" I coo once I had taken about a million photos of the three of them, perfectly sat in height order.

Milo had a pair of little green ear defenders over his ears, he seems to be very sensitive to loud noises, so as soon as we enter the stage for a sound check, they go straight on.

Ollie was chewing on one of Sarah's drumsticks, and Saffie had a cookie shoved in her mouth, but it was the only way to get them to sit still. It was her birthday after all, and she demanded all the cookies.

I couldn't quite believe we only had two shows left. These past two months has gone incredibly quick and I was very emotional about it ending so soon. But knowing I'd get to do it again and travel America with my bestest friends, was the light at the end of the tunnel.

"My perfect babas" I gush over them lifting Ollie up with one arm and Milo in the other, both of them giggling wildly.

"My turn uncle Harry!" Saffie calls out from the floor, a mouth full of cookie as she talks.

"I only have two hands baby- hang on" I tell her, carefully kneeling down on the floor, still clutching onto Ollie and Milo. "Climb onto my back and hold on super tight." I'm well aware that I'm breaking every single health and safety code in the book, but I couldn't say no to the birthday girl who was turning three today.

She barely weighs anything, so holding the three of them is light work. All three of them hang off me like monkeys, giggling as I walk around the stage with them attached to me.

"Faster Harry!" Saffie giggles.

"Saff! I can't go any faster, I'll get tired" I laugh at her protests.

"Harry- oh my god" Georgie walks onto the stage with an iPad in her hand, looking very important. She stares at me with the kids covering every inch of my top, all three of them in their little boiler suits.

"Saffron, get off!" She tells her now three year old, "Harry has a show in a few hours, and if he hurts his back, I'm not going to be happy, little miss birthday girl."

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