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"Maybe this thing was a masterpiece, 'til you tore it all up"


Trigger warning: child endangerment/neglect and mentions of overdose

Trigger warning: child endangerment/neglect and mentions of overdose

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Pure fear was filling my body as I walked up the path to our house. A house that was supposed to be full of love and laughter.

I was scared. For once, I'm admitting that I'm scared. Petrified even.

I don't know how this will play out. I don't know if he'll allow me this opportunity, just so I'm out of his hair. The chances are slim, but I'm placing every speck of hope on that odd chance.

Although, right now, I didn't care about the job, about the tour, about the escape. I just wanted Milo, safely in my arms. I needed to see he was safe, and unharmed from his father.

He would only ever hurt Milo, to spite me. To get at me. He's only hurt Milo a handful of times. But it's a handful too many.

And that means I've failed as a mother. As a mother, your job is to protect your children, and in Milo's short four months of life, I've failed him. I haven't been able to keep him safe.

But I promise him that, as long as I'm around, he'll be so loved. And maybe love can make up for my poor parenting.

Hearing Milo's inconsolable screams from inside the house, only fuels me with determination to get to my son.
Unsurprisingly the door was already open. I couldn't hear anything but Milo's screams for help.

"Leo!" I shout out. He could hurt me all he wants, but he's got a price to pay if he touches my son.

Milo's screams only intensify as I walk further into the house, Leo, no where to be found. The silence between each of his cries is almost chilling. I barely even have time to think, my feet just carry me as fast as possible to the sound of his cries, which seem to be my bathroom.

What is he doing in the bathroom?

When I get to the door, it's locked. My heart is racing but I don't have time to think about myself. I don't have time to think about how lightheaded and weak this makes me.

"Come on" I mutter to myself trying to get a grip on the outside lock to open the door. My hands were shaking so much, it was useless.

"Mummy's coming" I tell him, but his screams are too loud to get anything across. "Leo, I swear to god" I curse him. I was seeing red. Not only had he taken my son from Maggie, but he had also locked my son in the bathroom.

I wasn't sure where Leo was. It didn't seem as though he was in the house, it was dead silent. Apart from Milo's cries. I was hoping he wasn't here. Even though it's disgusting to think that he's left his son alone, I would rather Milo be home alone, than Leo hurting him.

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