☼ sixty ☼

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"Crystal clear on a star lit light, in all your gorgeous colours. I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life"



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"Mummy" Milo pushes open the door of our bedroom, his little voice scared.

Milo starts school tomorrow and it's got all of us feeling emotions we didn't know we had.

I know Harry was finding it difficult, his baby going off to school. He started crying when I folded Milo's school uniform away ready for the morning.

I know he thinks life is going way too fast. And I'd have to agree with him.

I don't know where my tiny baby went.

But I now have the most beautiful and kindest four year old.

"What's the matter baby?" I sit up in the bed, pulling the covers off so I could comfort him.

He had been so excited, but then I think it suddenly hit him last night and he became incredibly anxious.

"Mummy I'm scared" he says and then breaks down in tears in the door way. That's all it takes for Harry to be out of bed and swaying Milo in his arms.

"Daddy's got you" he assures the little boy. He takes a seat on the edge of the bed, Milo wrapping his arms and legs around his dad, just like a baby monkey.

I sit next to them, my hands combing through his blonde hair.

"It's going to be okay Milo" I try to tell him as the sobs rack through his body, my heart tearing itself apart.

"What are you worried about?" I ask him, needing to pinpoint specifically what his mind is so worried about.

"Just scared mummy" he whispers in Harry's arms.

"You're going to have so much fun though" I try to convince him. "Think of all those toys they'll have! And how much you'll learn, and how many friends you'll get" I make the list of all the fun things he'll get to do.

"Mummy?" He looks up at me sadly.

"I'm right here baby" I give him a little smile.

"What if- what if I don't make any friends?" He asks, his voice so quiet I nearly missed it.

I look up at Harry who looks as though his heart just broke in two. The painful look on his face is making my own eyes well up with tears.

"Milo, look at me" I instruct him. "I promise you're going to make so many friends" I speak clearly to him.

"Mummy's right monkey, you're the kindest little boy I know, everyone's going to love you" Harry tells him.

"I want Bo to come" he pouts sadly.

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