☼ fourteen ☼

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"Blacked out babe and I can't shut up, whole town's gonna hear how you messed me up"

Trigger warning: child neglect/endangerment, mentions of vomit, mentions of death threats

Take care of yourselves whilst reading <3

Take care of yourselves whilst reading <3

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I wasn't woken up by my alarm, or Ollie screaming for his mum. I wasn't woken up by thunder or the pouring rain.

I was woken by my phone ringing, relentlessly. The piercing noise bringing me out of my perfect dream, where I had Milo in my arms, and Maggie unpacking boxes for my new house. A house in which we'd be so happy in. I'm not sure how the dream ended. Because I woke up to the persistent ringing of my phone.

I was surprised to see that it was nearly half past ten, usually, Ollie would've woken everyone up by nine. Unless Sarah has purposely kept him away from me, knowing I needed my sleep.

The first thing that made me panic, was the thirteen missed calls from Maggie, and five missed calls from Cassius, Leo's best friend.

That's when I knew something was wrong.

Something was very wrong.

I'm barely awake, yet I find myself phoning Cassius, the first contact I click on. I sit up slightly in my bed as it rings, anticipating what life is about to throw at me. My heart thumping louder with every tone.

"Amelie, oh my god" he breathes out in a panic. The sound of his voice is enough to send me into an early grave. It's bad. It's very bad.

"Cass?" I ask, my hand held over my heart, in attempts to calm down the racing pumps and my brain full of darkness.

I can hear him swallowing, hard. Like it's taken him everything, to pick up the phone and speak to me. Cassius isn't a nervous person, he isn't one to let his emotions get the better of him. So, to hear him like this, is setting off every alarm bell in my head.

"Amelie, can you come home?" He asks. He would only be asking me home if something serious was happening.

"C-Cassius? What's going on?" I worry, knowing it's probably Leo-related only makes me worry more.

The confinement of the bunk is sending me into overdrive. I can't stay here. I jump out of my bunk, the quick movement making me feel dizzy, but I don't slow down.

"You're going to need to come home" he speaks, a slight quiver in his voice.

As I enter the shared area, I see Sarah and Mitch lovingly playing with Ollie, and it only pains me to see such a happy family. I let out the smallest of sobs, my mind going into the darkest of places.

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