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"when the clouds are ironed out
And the monsters creep into your house"


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"I can't get hold of Amelie, she's not home, she's not answering her phone" was all I was focused on from Georgie's phone call. The 'baby emergency' must've been a real emergency. Not just an excuse to get out of the studio early.

And for some reason, it has me in a cold sweat. For a girl I barely know. It's the unknown that sparks so much fear in me.

We have our second rehearsal tomorrow, and Amelie had seemed to disappear off the face of the earth. I wasn't worried about the rehearsal, I was worried about Amelie. The way she rushed out yesterday, and now we can't get hold of her, it stirs up a lot of unwanted anxiety in me, especially when a child is involved.

Georgie had asked me to phone her emergency contact, whilst she kept trying Amelie. It was someone of the name Margot Dane, and I recall her saying the name Maggie, on the phone yesterday, it must be her. I just thank god her husband wasn't her emergency contact. I wouldn't want to be putting her in danger.

This could be completely innocent. I need to stop thinking she's in danger.

Mitch only said Leo was a bit of a dick. I'm sure many people would say the same for me.

I put Margot's number into my phone and I just stare at it. I've spoken to thousands of people in my life. And yet, I'm getting nervous at the thought of talking to Amelie's friend. Get a grip.

She's going to tell me something I don't want to hear. I just know it.

It's fine. She's fine.

"Hello?" A female voice answers, confusion lacing her voice. There's distant chatter in the background.

"Is this Margot?" I ask. I'm well aware it is her. But I find myself trying to act professionally.

"Yes, who is this?" I'm going to sound like a right idiot when I say I'm Harry Styles.

"It's- it's Harry. My manager, Georgie, is trying to contact Amelie, at first it was to return her guitar, but we're just worried about her, we can't seem to contact her" I explain calmly, even though my hands are shaking like leaves on a windy day.

"Oh" she says quietly. "Uh, I don't think she'd be very comfortable with this" she tells me in a hushed voice.

"We just want to know if she's okay, she kind of ran off in a rush yesterday, apparently there was a baby emergency" I don't want to pressure her into tell me anything, but it would give me a bit of peace of mind if I knew she was alright.

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